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Not Pretending Anymore

Page 27

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He scratched his chin. “It’s funny; I wouldn’t have taken you for an open-relationship type of person.”

“No? How come?”

“I don’t know. You’re just a very loyal, levelheaded person. More serious, I guess.”

“Well, I like to keep my options open.”

He was quiet while I poured us each a mug of coffee. I knew Will took his with cream and sugar, so I prepped it before handing it to him. “Here you go.”

“Thanks.” He sipped his coffee and continued to watch me over the brim. “Have you tried that new Greek place over on Amsterdam Ave?”

I shook my head. “I haven’t. But I pass it on my way home, and it seems to be packed all the time.”

“Would you want to go Friday night?”

For some reason, I assumed he meant with the group—before happy hour. “That sounds great. Who else is going?”

Will smiled sheepishly. “Just me…”

“Oh…” I shook my head. “I thought you meant with the happy-hour crew.”

He dragged a hand through his hair. “And here I was thinking I was being so smooth.”

“You were… I mean, I think you were. Are you asking me to go to dinner, like on a date?”

He chuckled. “I guess I’m so slippery smooth that my intentions just sailed right by you. Yes, Molly, I’m asking you on a date.”

“Oh.” My pulse sped up, and my palms grew sweaty.

“Do you want to change your mind now that that’s clear?”

I shook my head. “No, definitely not. I’d love to go out with you, Will.”

Of course Daisy had to walk into the break room at that exact moment. From the disappointed look on her face, I knew she’d heard what I said.

Will’s phone chimed. Looking at the screen, he said, “It’s the admitting department. Mrs. Michaels has arrived. If she made it here this fast, I’m guessing they had their foot on the gas for a reason. I better run down to make sure they don’t hold her up filling out fifty-seven HIPAA forms. I’ll see you in a bit.”

I smiled. “Okay.”

The minute Will walked out of the break room, Daisy put her hands on her hips.

“Oh my God. Will, too? You already have that other sexy beast of a man. Now you’re going to go out with Dr. McHottie?”

I chuckled. “I guess so.”

“Are you going to keep both of them?”

“I’m not sure that’s my decision, considering they’re humans, and I don’t own them.”

Daisy rolled her eyes. “Okay, well, if you dump the first guy… Can I have his number?”

I shook my head and walked to the break room door. “Goodbye, Daisy.”

She grumbled under her breath. “Greedy.”

Declan had been up late working on a project for his client. Since we’d been texting less than a half hour ago, I figured he’d still be up.

Molly: I have big news!

The response came almost immediately.

Declan: You stole someone’s Tupperware from the break room at work and got caught. Now I have to come bail you out of jail, don’t I?

Always the wiseass. I chuckled as I typed.

Molly: Nope, bigger! Will asked me out!

The little dots started to jump around, then stopped. Then started again. Then stopped yet again. It was a solid five minutes before I received another message. And this one made it clear we were done chatting for the evening.

Declan: That’s great. I’m glad you got what you wanted. Goodnight, Molly.

It was definitely odd for him to cut off a text exchange like that. For a split second, I wondered if maybe something about that announcement upset him. But that was ludicrous, right? God, it was the freaking middle of the night, and he’d been working late. He was probably tired. That had to have been why he said goodnight so suddenly.


The following evening, Declan was at the office, and I was home alone when there was a knock at the door.

A woman in a Yankees cap held a large white box. “Hi. Cake delivery for Scooter?”

I squinted. “Scooter? We don’t have anyone here by the name of Scooter.”

“Well, this is the right address, so I’m gonna leave it here with you.”

“Uh…okay.” I took the cake and shut the door with my foot.

There was a note on the top of the box. I opened it.


Happy Birthday! Wish we could be there with you!


Your sisters, Samantha, Meagan, Catherine, and Jane

Birthday? It was Declan’s birthday? Furthermore, his sisters called him Scooter?

I took out my phone and immediately texted him.

Molly: How come you didn’t tell me it was your birthday?

Declan: How did you find out?

Molly: Your sisters sent you a cake.

Declan: Uh-oh. What does it have on it?

Molly: I haven’t opened the box. The note is addressed to Scooter!

Declan: Great. Don’t open it yet. I’ll be home in half an hour.


When Declan walked in, I greeted him with a glare. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”

He threw his jacket on a chair. “It’s no big deal. It’s just another day. My sisters always make a fuss. If I were home in California, they’d be bombarding my apartment and making a big deal out of nothing. They do it every year.” He undid his tie. “Did you take a peek at the cake?”

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