Not Pretending Anymore - Page 79

“Declan? Oh my God! What are you doing here?” I launched myself into his arms.

He chuckled as he stumbled back, unprepared for my enthusiastic greeting. “Of course I came. How could I not with a welcome like that?”

I attempted to dial it back as much as I could. “I had no idea you were coming.”

“My flight was delayed. I was supposed to be here for the afternoon session.”

“Well, this is a welcome surprise. Thank you so much for coming all the way back.”

We talked for a few minutes, until Declan noticed he was holding up the line. “I’m going to pay my respects and go sit in the back,” he said. “Find me later when you’re free?”

“Yeah, of course.”

Unfortunately, free didn’t happen until almost an hour and a half later when things were coming to a close for the evening. But my spirits had greatly improved since Declan arrived. Every once in a while, I would look over my shoulder to make sure he was still there, and each and every time, he smiled at me. It was like the shot of medicine I needed to keep going.

When the line finally slowed, Kayla rubbed my arm. “It was nice of Declan to come. Your father really liked him.”

“He liked Dad a lot, too.”

“I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but the night the two of you came to dinner, your father told me he thought he’d just met his future son-in-law.”

“Dad said that?”

Kayla nodded. “He did. I thought I saw something special between you, too.”

I looked over at Declan. He was still seated in the back. But this time when he smiled, he held up a bag of M&Ms and let them dangle. It made me chuckle.

When I turned back to Kayla, she smiled warmly. “You two have fun tonight. You need a break.”


Resting my head on the back of the seat in Declan’s rental car, I sighed. “What a long day.”

He reached his hand across to squeeze mine. “You must be so tired.”

I yawned. “I am.”

“What can I do?” he asked.

“I just want to go home.”

Declan flashed a warm and comforting smile. “Let’s do that then.”

He started the car and took off down the road.

He turned to me. “Have you eaten?”

“I could really go for some breakfast for dinner right now.”

His brow lifted. “You got eggs and bread?”

“My fridge is totally empty.”

“I’ll stop at the market and run in real quick.”

I smiled. “Thank you. You’re the best.”

During the ride, I stared out the window. A sudden wave of sadness hit me. I’d somehow been able to block out the reality of my father being gone today, even at the wake. But in the quiet of this car, everything seeped in. It started to rain, and that just amplified the mood.

When we got back to the apartment, I took a long, hot shower. When I ventured out into the living area, it seemed like no time had passed since Declan left for Wisconsin. While I crashed on the couch, he stood at the stove, preparing his famous French toast. The smell of cinnamon wafted through the air. And on this miserable day, finally there was a moment of joy.

I breathed in, savoring the scent. “I still can’t believe you came all this way.”

“Not coming was never an option, Mollz.”

A smile spread across my face as I watched him flip the toast. “This is exactly what the doctor ordered: breakfast for dinner and getting to hang out with you tonight.”

He turned around. “Well, not sure which doctor we’re talking about, but I’m not sure Dr. Will would have ordered me here with you tonight.”

I blushed, feeling suddenly guilty. “Probably not.”

“Speaking of which, if my sleeping here is going to cause any complications, I can stay at a hotel.”

I sat up. “Are you kidding? This is your home. You’ve paid your rent. The room is still yours. Not to mention, I don’t want to be alone tonight.”

“I get that, but will he come by? You never told Will I was your roommate all that time. So my being here wouldn’t make sense to him. I don’t want to get you in trouble.”

I knew Will wouldn’t be happy with this, but no way would I tell Declan to leave. I shrugged. “He’s working all night. He’s not going to come here. And if for some reason he did, I’d tell him the truth—that you came into town and you’re staying here. He would have to accept that, because he knows you and I are still friends.”

Declan nodded. “Okay, sweetheart. I just don’t want to make things complicated.”

It was the second time this week that Declan had called me sweetheart. Maybe I needed to evaluate why I loved it so damn much when a man who wasn’t my boyfriend called me sweetheart. But I was too tired to obsess over it right now.

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024