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Not Pretending Anymore

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“I can’t believe it!” Joshua proclaimed.

The excitement of a new baby being brought into the world never got old. It didn’t matter how many night shifts I’d endured. Each new life was just as amazing as the last.

Several minutes later, someone asked, “Do you have a name?”

The new mom smiled. “Declan.”

That stopped me in my tracks.


Tears formed in my eyes. Declan had confirmed that he’d chosen not to come back to Chicago after his Wisconsin gig, and I hadn’t been able to get over it.

I didn’t understand why his not returning had this sort of impact on me. I mean, him going back to California was always the plan. But I knew there was a good chance I might not see him ever again.

I wiped my eyes. “Declan is a beautiful name.”

Will returned from washing his hands, took one look at my face, and squinted. He obviously knew I’d been crying but didn’t pry.

Will Daniels was a good man. I knew that now more than ever. He was the whole package. The real deal. And he’d told me he loved me over and over. And yet…I still couldn’t say it back.

We’d gotten into a couple of arguments lately regarding my moodiness and my inability to explain why I was sad. What was I supposed to say? I’m sad because the guy you hate for me to be around may never be coming back? I’m sad because I don’t quite know why I don’t love you?

But I realized it didn’t matter why I apparently didn’t love Will enough to say it. What mattered was being honest with him. And the truth was obvious. I couldn’t return his sentiments, and I wasn’t sure if I ever would.

Later, when he caught me in the break room, I couldn’t seem to look him in the eyes. And in that moment, I knew I’d reached my breaking point. I couldn’t do this anymore. Will Daniels might have been the perfect man, but he wasn’t the perfect man for me. He deserved someone who could profess her love for him without hesitation. I knew there would be a line of women waiting to take my place the second he went on the market again. Why waste his time if this wasn’t going to work out?

“Will…can we go out to the courtyard and talk?”

The look of disappointment in his eyes told me he knew exactly what was about to go down. He nodded and followed me outside.

And I broke up with one of the greatest men I’d ever met. Only time would tell if that was the biggest mistake of my life.


The following evening was my night off, and I decided to do something I’d been putting off; I invited my little sister, Siobhan, over for a sleepover. She’d just turned ten and was still struggling after Dad’s death. According to Kayla, Siobhan felt less alone around me because we had the loss of our dad in common. Kayla thought it would be a good idea for us to spend a little more time together. Hence, the sleepover. It was a nice distraction for me, as well.

While we noshed on pizza on the living room floor, my sister stuck her little nose where it didn’t belong.

“What happened to your two boyfriends?”

My eyes went wide. “Excuse me?”

“You have two boyfriends, don’t you? Will and Declan? They both came to Daddy’s funeral.”

My sister was more astute than I’d thought. And apparently, she thought I was polyamorous.

How to answer… “While in a fantasy world, a woman might be able to have two boyfriends and get away with it, in this world, most of the time, you only have one. Will was my boyfriend. Declan is my friend. Neither is currently my boyfriend.”

She tilted her head. “Why?”

No way was I getting into this with a ten-year-old.

“It’s complicated. But let’s just say, I didn’t love him the way I should have.”

She crossed her legs. “Why not?”

I blew a breath up into my hair. “I’m not sure. You know if you do love someone, but…it takes a little longer to figure out if you don’t sometimes.” Wiping my mouth with a napkin, I said, “Most of the time, it’s just a feeling. And once I realized Will wasn’t the one for me, I didn’t want to waste his time.”

“So how do you know if you love someone?”

That reminded me of my dad’s funeral and Declan’s words that day after I’d asked him the very question my sister had just asked me. “You know you’re in love if every little thing you’ve ever been scared of suddenly doesn’t seem half as terrifying as not spending the rest of your life with that person.”

If I stopped to analyze what I’d been feeling these past several days, it was fear—fear that I’d lost Declan. From the moment he’d told me he wasn’t coming back to Chicago, I could focus on little else.

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