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Darkness Unmasked (Dark Angels 5)

Page 41

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He hesitated. “For you and I, perhaps no other.”

It was the “perhaps” portion of that statement that had me intrigued. “But reapers do have other choices?”

“Yes. It is the manner of our beings. This world of yours is filled with a vast array of energy harmonies, and it is a beautiful and wondrous thing to listen to.”

“And rather noisy, I would have thought.”

He smiled. “You learn to tune out the noisier melodies.”

I arched an eyebrow. “You don’t seem to have much luck tuning me out.”

“No, but then, you’re noisier than most. And more determined.” His gaze lingered on mine for several heartbeats and, just for a moment, those bright depths showed a hunger as fierce as anything I was feeling. But it was gone just as quickly. He released his light grip and stepped away. “You’re going to talk to the manager of Dark Soul now?”

I sighed in frustration, but there was little point in saying anything. He’d already stated that nothing would happen between us until I was stronger. “Yes. I’ll drive, though. I feel like getting some air for a change.”

He nodded. “I shall meet you there.”

With that, he disappeared, making me wonder if he’d come closer to the edge than I’d presumed.

He didn’t answer that particular thought, so I headed into the changing room, donned my leathers, then headed out to the secure underground parking lot where I kept my newly repaired Ducati.

Of course, she was no ordinary bike, but one of the first hydrogen-powered bikes to come onto the market. She was also the first thing I’d bought when RYT’s finally began making a profit. And while she was nowhere near as efficient or as powerful as the current generation of hydrogen-fueled bikes, she was still sleek and sharp and comfortable, and that was enough for me.

I stashed my purse in the under-seat storage, then shoved on the helmet and sat down. The leather seat wrapped around my butt like a glove, and I couldn’t help smiling as I fired her up. The vibration through the metal told me she’d come to life, although there was little other noise. Hydrogen bikes ran so silently that when they’d first become commercially viable, state laws had required manufacturers to add a fake engine noise device to warn people of their approach. I kicked up the stand and headed out. The night was cool and the streets relatively clear of traffic, enabling me to let loose. My grin just grew. Damn, I’d missed this.

Unfortunately, even though I’d taken the long way around, I reached Dark Soul far too soon. I reluctantly found parking up the road from it, then stored my helmet and walked back. Azriel appeared by my side as I neared the entrance.>I just about choked on my Coke. “Good grief, did you just admit to a connection? Is the lone wolf—the man who doesn’t believe in long-term commitments—actually thinking he might have found the woman who could change that?”

He grimaced. “We went on one date—”

“And sometimes that’s all it takes. You’re a wolf, not a human or a monk.”

He snorted. “I’m half wolf, and I’m certainly not a monk.”

“Neat sidestep of the actual question, my friend.”

He smiled. It was a somewhat pale reflection of his usual smile, but I was happy to see it nonetheless. “God, you’re more tenacious than a dog with a bone. And yes, there was a connection.”

“Then I can’t see the harm in chasing it.” I hesitated. “And it might just give you another reason to fight.”

“Or another person I’m fearful of hurting.”

“You won’t.” I nudged him gently. “I have faith in your strength, Tao.”

He took a deep breath and released it slowly. “Yeah. And that scares the hell out of me, because you’re seeing what I’m not feeling.”


I glanced up as Rachel appeared in the doorway. “What?”

“There’s a gentleman here to see you.”

“Business or personal?” I frowned as I glanced at my watch. It was after midnight, so it could hardly be business.

“He didn’t say. Just said it was urgent.” She shrugged, then added, “Tao, I may need help in a couple of minutes. A big group just came in from the Blue Moon wanting burgers.”

“I’ll just finish my drink and then I’ll be in.”

She nodded and disappeared. I climbed to my feet, then hesitated and looked down. “I can pull Danny off waiter duties to help Rachel if you’d like a few more minutes out here.”

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