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Darkness Unmasked (Dark Angels 5)

Page 111

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“That will take a few hours. It really would—”

“I do not care about what is easy or not,” she cut in coldly. “The law is the law, young lady, and I will not be railroaded into doing anything that might not be advantageous to myself.”

“I’m not implying that you’re in any way involved—”

“Then what are you implying?”

“As I said, I’m merely trying to tie up some loose ends.”

“Well, this is one end that will remain loose until you get the proper paperwork, and not before.”

Okay, then. I forced another smile. “If you happen to remember just where you know John Nadler from, could you perhaps give me a call?”

“That I can do.” She took out an old-fashioned notebook and pen, then looked at me pointedly. “Number?”

I gave her my cell phone number, then added, “I’m sorry to have delayed you so long, Ms. Sands.”

She nodded, tucked her notebook back into her bag, then turned and strode to the still-waiting taxi.

“What do you think?” I asked, as she climbed into the cab and slammed the door.

“I could not read her.”

I glanced at him, surprised. “That seems to be happening an awful lot these days.”

He shrugged. “There are humans we cannot read.”

“You said it was rare.”

“It is. We just seem to be coming across more of them than usual.”

“So she is human?”

“Yes.” He glanced at me. “Why?”

“Because there was something about her that didn’t feel right.”

“Well, given she was exiting a storage locker containing a sorceress’s transport gate, it is very possible she is either in league with said sorceress, or the sorceress herself.”

“It can’t be the latter.” I watched the taxi’s blinker come on as it readied to pull away from the curb.

“Why not?”

“Because she didn’t have the same build as Lauren Macintyre.”

“I cannot see—”

“Face-shifters can change only their facial shape, not their bodies.”

“That does not mean there cannot be those who are able to do a full-body shift.”

“If there is, I’ve never heard of them.” As the taxi pulled into the traffic, I added, “I’m going to follow her.”

“Be careful.”

“That goes without saying.”

“But given your somewhat reckless nature, it bears repeating.”

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