Darkness Unmasked (Dark Angels 5) - Page 124

“Yes, Mom,” I murmured, as I brushed past him.

“Hey, Ris?” Tao called, just as I neared his bedroom door. “You out there?”

I poked my head around the door. “I am. What can I do for you?”

“Ilianna threatened to make the old boy go limp for the next three months if I got out of bed for anything more than a pee,” he said, expression amused. “But she hasn’t come back from her shopping expedition, and I’m absolutely starving.”

“So get up and get something. She’s not going to know.”

He snorted. “Maybe, but I enjoy sex too much to risk it.”

I grinned. “What would you like?”

“Anything that involves lots of meat.”

“Steak, eggs, and chips?”

“Perfect.” He grinned. “And I’ll have a beer while I’m waiting.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Did Ilianna really make that threat? Because you seem to be milking it a little here.”

“Hell yeah.” He grinned. “Having you run around waiting on me hand and foot isn’t something that happens every day. Gotta make the most of it.”

I snorted softly and headed into the kitchen. Half an hour later, I dished up two plates and walked back into his room.

“That,” he said, practically drooling as he accepted the plate, “smells divine.”

“Then eat up.” I sat down on the chair beside his bed and followed my own advice. I was about halfway through my meal when my phone rang again. This time the tone said it was Stane.

I cursed softly. “I swear, people are intent on not letting me eat today.”

“So ignore it,” Tao said sagely. “It’s not like you can’t ring him back.”

Azriel appeared by the chair and offered me the phone. “It could relate to the storage unit.”

“Yeah.” I accepted the phone and hit the ANSWER button. “Stane, what’s up?”

“Genevieve Sands just got out of a taxi in front of that storage place again.”

I glanced at Azriel. “Maybe we spooked her.”

“Could be.”

“I think we should go see what she’s doing.” To Stane, I added, “I discovered her address today. Do you think it’ll help you dig up any other information about her?”

“Worth a try.”

I gave him the address, then added, “And while I’m thinking about it, have you still got that bug we used at the nightclub?”

“Certainly do. I wasn’t about to let that baby go—do you know how hard those things are to get?”

Given they were black market, I’d imagine very hard, and very expensive. “What’s the range of the thing?”

“Fairly extensive. Why?”

“So if I were to place it in an apartment up on the Gold Coast, you’d be able to pick up its signal?”

“No, but if you were willing to fork out the cost of hiring a buddy of mine, I could get him to pick up the signal and bounce it down to me.”

Tags: Keri Arthur Dark Angels Fantasy
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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