Darkness Unmasked (Dark Angels 5) - Page 213

He lowered his weapon and shook his head, his expression somewhat bemused. “This cage was not meant for you, but I’m damn glad I set it up, all the same.”

I slammed Amaya against the wall of power that surrounded me. Spidery veins of red spread for several inches from the impact point, then faded away, and Amaya hissed in fury.

Break can, she said. Time needed.

“That cage was designed to hold a sorcerer,” Lucian said, amusement in his voice. “Neither you nor your sword have the power to break it.”

“Why did you do it, Lucian?” I growled, hitting the wall again. This time, I left Amaya against it. She hissed and spat, her steel throbbing as she sucked at the power of the cage. “Just tell me that.”

He frowned and held his hands wide, as if pleading his innocence. For the first time it actually registered that we were underground. Both the walls and ceiling that soared high above us were stone, and the air was thick with the scents of moisture and damp earth.

“I didn’t steal the key, Risa. Indeed, I was hoping to trap the thief in the cage that now surrounds you.”

“I’m not talking about the fucking key, Lucian, and you know it.”

His frown deepened. For half a second I honestly believed he had no idea what I was talking about; then I remembered what a consummate actor he was. What a liar he was.

“Trust me—”

Never again. “I’m talking about my mother. You killed her.”

“Ah.” His voice was soft. “That.”

Rage exploded, and I leapt at him without thinking. The cage bowed under the force of my impact but it didn’t break, and I was flung backward, landing in an inelegant heap on the floor.

“That,” I hissed. “That’s all you’ve got to say about my mother’s murder.”

He shrugged. “She died well, with great grace, if that is of any consequence.”

“But you killed her.”

Amusement touched his lips. “Yes, I believe we’ve already established that fact.”

“But why?” The word was torn from me. “What the hell did my mother ever do to you?”

“Nothing, of course. But without her presence, without her advice, you were infinitely more alone and vulnerable.”

So he’d killed her merely to make me more accepting of his advances?

“You bastard.” Bastard, bastard, soon-to-be-dead fucking bastard.

“Another fact we have already established.” His amusement was stronger this time. “It’s not as if I have taken her from you for all eternity, Risa, so please cut the dramatics. You and she will meet again on another plane.”

“That is beside the point!”

“No, it is not, because I could have done otherwise.”

A chill went through me. “What do you mean?”

He smiled, but this time, there was nothing pleasant or amused about it. “I may be one of the fallen, but I still retain my power over souls. I could have stopped her from moving on, if I’d so desired. You should be grateful that I left you the chance to meet her again in another lifetime.”

“Grateful? Grateful?”

He tsked. “Enough with the dramatics, Risa. It is time to concentrate on things we can still do something about. Like retrieving the key.”

Amaya, I hope you’re going to get that fucking wall down soon.

Trying, she growled. Patience must.

Tags: Keri Arthur Dark Angels Fantasy
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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