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Dancing with the Devil (Nikki & Michael 1)

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Then she frowned. “If you're three-hundred-years-old and Jasper is only one hundred, wouldn't your brother have been well and truly dead before Jasper and his brother were even born?" The pain in Michael's soul became sharper. “Patrick was a vampire." And Michael had turned him. Nikki wondered why. “How often have you and Jasper met in the past?"

"Three times."

And each time Jasper had somehow slipped from Michael's noose. But it wouldn't happen again, she thought, staring at him. Deep in the dark depths of his eyes she could see the promise of death. One way or another, Michael was determined to finish it here in Lyndhurst. Foreboding pounded through her. Shivering, she turned away and locked the car door. Dark laughter ran through her mind, taunting her. She closed her eyes briefly and took a deep breath. Jasper wouldn't win this battle, either.

"Let's go inside,” she said, avoiding Michael's gaze and walking around to the front of the car. “I should be able to find something to trace Jake with."

She climbed the steps and unlocked the door. The office was as cold as the ice forming in the pit of her stomach. Dark laughter again scurried past the edges of her mind.

"Nikki.” Michael touched her arm and swung her around to face him. “Jasper's only teasing you, trying to make you fear every step."

"He's doing a damn good job of it,” she muttered, wishing Michael would wrap his arms around her and hold her until the scent of evil left her skin. But it was no use wishing for things that could not be. He couldn't stay. She didn't want him to stay.

So why did the thought of him leaving cut pain through her heart?

He placed a finger under her chin, raising it until her gaze met his. “He can't control you, Nikki, only undermine your confidence."

It was a lie. He knew, as she did, that Jasper only had to call, and she'd probably go running. “Why is he bothering? I'm no threat to him."

Michael's smile was edged with anger, his eyes layered with a darkness that chilled her soul.

"He fears you, Nikki.” He raised a hand, pushing a wisp of hair away from her eyes. His touch trailed heat against the ice of her skin. “Fears the strength of your abilities." His touch felt so good ... She shivered, fighting the need to fall into his arms. Fighting the desire to jerk away from it. “Why? My psychic talents can't hurt him."

"Can't they?” His voice was distant, distracted, as he ran a finger lightly down her cheek and neck. She licked her lips. It was hard to concentrate with him touching her so gently. Lord, all she wanted to do was fall into bed with this man—but she couldn't. The time and the place were all wrong. Damn it, they were wrong. A man who couldn't love and a woman afraid to love—what hope would there ever be for them?

Michael's hand stilled near her breast. She glanced up quickly, but he avoided her gaze and stepped away. It didn't matter. She knew his thoughts. Knew he wouldn't touch her like that again.

"I'm sorry,” he said softly.

She nodded. It was as much her fault as his. She should have pulled away the minute he'd touched her. She walked across to Jake's desk and raised a hand. There had to be something here that held enough of Jake's vibes to enable her to track him.

She found it within a few minutes—an old fob watch lost among the junk in his bottom draw.

"It has his imprint?” Michael asked, sitting on the edge of the desk. She nodded and tried to ignore the sensations running through her fingers. “How do you want to go about this?"

"That would depend on how much you really trust me." She gave him a sharp look. He was sitting on the edge of the desk, swinging one leg slightly. So very casual in appearance, but she could feel his tension. See it around the edges of his dark eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"Jasper knows you will attempt to find Jake, so he will have set some sort of trap again." She nodded. That much she'd guessed. But she had to find Jake, and this was her best option. Probably the only option, if they wanted to find him alive.

"You have a plan to stop him?"

"Yes. But it would involve my mind joining yours,” he hesitated and shrugged lightly. “Completely." She stared at him. Merge minds? To know each other's thoughts and desires?

"We already know each others thoughts, Nikki."

"But I can't—"

"You can.” He studied her, face grim. “And all too often you have. It's something neither of us can really control, something that gets stronger every time we...” He hesitated, then shrugged again. “The point is, do you trust me enough to allow our minds to merge?"

"How deep a merging would it be?” The prospect made her stomach turn. Did she really want Michael to know all her wants, all her secrets and fears?

"It would have to be complete enough to allow me some kind of control if I need it. But I promise not to delve, not to open any doors you wish kept closed. And you must promise the same." She nodded and wondered if it mattered. Michael's abilities far outstripped hers. There was no way on earth she'd be able to control him. “But how will this merging screw up the kind of trap Jasper had waiting last time?"

"I intend to direct your abilities along a slightly different path." She licked her lips. For all intents and purposes, he'd have control of her. Her willingness to go along with this would allow Michael to succeed where Jasper had so far failed—would give him the access Tommy had wanted but couldn't fully control.

"Damn it, Nikki, I'm not Jasper. Or Tommy."

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