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Circle of Desire (Damask Circle 3)

Page 28

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They walked back to the rental car and continued on to Rogue River. Kat fell asleep fairly quickly, and he half wished he could join her. It would be nice to be in bed at this moment, holding her lush, warm body against his as he drifted off to sleep. Then he frowned at the thought and thrust it away. No matter how good it promised to be between them, it could never be anything more than just sex.

He’d learned that lesson long ago.

KAT WOKE WHEN THE CAR STOPPED. SHE YAWNED AND stretched, then glanced out the window. Warm lights shone through the trees, providing enough light to see the two log cabins just ahead.

She glanced at Ethan. “What time is it?”

“Eight forty-five.”

His reply was a little terse, and she frowned, wondering why. Then she shook her head at her own stupidity. It had been a long day, and he’d done most of the driving. He was probably tired as hell.

She climbed out of the car and grabbed her bag from the trunk. He collected his, then locked the car and motioned for her to lead. She picked her way through the heavy darkness, shivering a little as the cool breeze caressed her bare skin. She was definitely going to have to change into something warmer before they did their tour tonight. Wearing this skirt and shirt had been nothing short of stupidity—though she certainly didn’t regret it. Heat flushed through her at the memory. The chill she was feeling now was worth every minute. And if that had been rushed, she could hardly wait to feel what it was like when he took his time.

Her grandmother opened the door as they approached. Her gaze went from her to Ethan and back again, and her smile stretched.

“About time,” she said, and Kat knew she wasn’t referring to their arrival.

“There are some things that can’t be rushed.” Even though Ethan seemed to think they had.

“I guess not.” Gwen stepped back, waving them in.

The cabin was basic but comfortable. Kat dropped her bag on the sofa and headed for the open fire, holding her hands out to the flames.

“I’ve put you two in the bigger cabin next door.” Gwen indicated a side door. “And I lit the fire, so it’ll be nice and warm when you come back after your walk.”

Kat glanced at Ethan to see what reaction he had to this presumption, but he had his cop face on. She looked back at Gwen and said, “Have you tried scrying yet?”

“No. And I won’t until you come back.”

“What about this attack you mentioned earlier?” Ethan dropped his bag on the floor, then joined her by the fire. His shoulder brushed Kat’s, warming her faster than any flames. “Shouldn’t we be getting ready for that?”

“Until we know what is attacking us, it’s useless trying to build a defense. But I’ve taken basic measures.”

“Locked the doors, checked the windows?”

“Placed warding stones around my bed, as ordered.” Her gaze met Kat’s. “But not yours, so be warned.”

She nodded. The magic of these particular stones extended only so far, and a queen-sized bed wasn’t within those limitations. There were stones that could guard the bed—and even a whole town, if needed—but they tended to be larger, and therefore were harder to carry around. Of course, her grandmother was also presuming she and Ethan were actually going to share a bed. Looking at him now, she had an unsettling feeling that wasn’t likely.

He’d said nothing more than sex, and that’s what she’d agreed to. Did that “nothing more” include not sleeping together?

She crossed her arms and hoped that wasn’t the case. She’d like to think there was something between them other than the immediate need for release. That it wasn’t just the moon and the fever rushing through his veins that made him want her. That he actually liked her.

“I’ll go change, then we can get our walk over with.” She picked up her bag and walked into the other cabin. It was a mirror image of Gwen’s, only a little bigger. She continued into the bedroom. The bed was luxurious, covered with a comforter thick enough to lose fingers in. Across from it was another open fire, smaller than the one in the living room but just as warm. She dumped her bag on the bed and checked out the bathroom. It was basic, but there was a big old claw-foot tub. Just the thing she needed to take the chills from her spine later.

She went back to the bedroom and changed into warmer clothes, then grabbed her coat and the chocolate bar and headed back to the other cabin. Gran was sitting on the sofa, a bemused expression on her face. Ethan was nowhere to be seen.

“What have you done with him?”

Gwen snorted. “He’s outside, pacing.”

“Why on earth is he pacing?”

“At a guess, I’d say he’s angry. Not sure why, though.” She paused, eyebrows raised and eyes twinkling. “What on earth did you do to him?”

Heat touched her cheeks. “Me? Nothing.” Nothing except make love to him, and surely he couldn’t be angry at that. He’d wanted her as badly as she’d wanted him.

“Well, something’s got him all worked up, so tread warily.” Gwen glanced at her watch. “And be careful when you’re walking around out there. It’s always possible I was wrong about the timing of the attack.”

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