Miss White and the Seventh Heir - Page 48

This was the moment of truth. “QTR Magazine.”

The young woman paused and Sage prayed she wouldn’t change her mind about the interview. At last, the actress gave Sage her contact information and they agreed to a time and location.

Sage couldn’t tell if the actress was too new to the business to know about the scandalous past of QTR or if she was so hungry for attention that she didn’t care. Either way, it had worked out for Sage.

One interview down, more to go. And it was thanks to Trey. He was the one that thought of the lovely piece of jewelry to camouflage her true identity. She hoped one day soon those tactics wouldn’t be necessary. She wanted QTR Magazine to be synonymous with integrity. But for now, Trey had earned a few points in his favor.

Sage adjusted the pendant over her pink press badge, straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin. Steadily putting one foot in front of the other, she headed for the group of people gathered outside the Debussy Theatre.

She worked the crowd like a pro. Agents exchanged business cards with Sage, giving her a sense of optimism. No, it wasn’t a firm date for an interview, but each card represented an open door. And she planned to march through those doors.

She’d just approached Johnny Volt, an action movie superstar, when Elsa materialized out of nowhere. Trying to ignore her stepmother’s looming presence, Sage said, “It’s so nice to meet you.”

Sage and Johnny shook hands and exchanged pleasantries.

This was her chance to turn this casual conversation into something more productive. “Mr. Volt—”

“Please, call me Johnny.”

“Okay. Johnny, I’ve heard a lot about your movie releasing in August. It’s projected to be a box office hit just like the first one. I was wondering if you’d be interested in a magazine cover and a feature article.”

“What magazine are you with?”

“Excuse me.” Elsa took that moment to interrupt. “I’m Elsa.”

Sage smothered a groan. She would not give Elsa the satisfaction of seeing how her interruption bothered her. Still, it annoyed Sage how the woman descended upon them mid-conversation and announced her name like she was one of those celebrities that only went by their first name. Did she really think she was that big of a name?

“If you’ll excuse us,” Sage said in a restrained tone, “we were in the middle of a conversation.”

Elsa turned back to Johnny. “Before you agree to anything with QTR, you’ll want to hear what I can offer you. It’ll far surpass anything they can do.”

Johnny glanced at Elsa with disdain. “You heard her. We’re talking. Privately. Now if you’ll excuse us.”

Elsa’s deep-red lips gaped. It would appear that she was not used to being dismissed. Sage struggled to keep from laughing at the horrified expression on Elsa’s face when Johnny turned his back to her.

“Is she gone yet?”

With a loud sigh, Elsa turned on her five-inch heels and walked away.

“She is now.” Sage stopped herself from apologizing for her stepmother. In the past, that’s exactly what she would have done. But not now. She may share her last name with the woman, but she wasn’t family. And Elsa’s actions were no reflection on her.

“I would like to hear more about what you have to offer. Can I have your phone?” Johnny held out his hand.

She couldn’t believe that the Johnny Volt was not only talking to her, but he was also going to put his number in her phone. With a slightly shaky hand, she gave him her phone.

He quickly typed in his information. “Give me a call next week and we’ll set something up.” He returned the phone. “But now I have to go. It was good to meet you.”

After Johnny disappeared into the crowd, Trey approached her. “I saw Elsa and got concerned. What did I miss?”

“I’d say that good won out over evil.”

Trey laughed. She loved the sound of his laugh. It was deep and warm. Her gaze caught and held his longer than necessary.

It would be so easy to forgive and forget, but she couldn’t. She knew the price of trusting someone and then having them turn on you. Trey already proved he was someone she couldn’t trust. She wouldn’t make the same mistake again.

Using every bit of willpower, she glanced away. She refused to let down the wall around her heart. He’d already had his chance. That’s all he got—but her heart didn’t agree.

* * *

Tags: Jennifer Faye Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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