Miss White and the Seventh Heir - Page 53

The man frowned at both of them before he relinquished his hold on Sage and stormed off. Trey took her in his arms. He loved the way her slight form felt next to him. When her head leaned close to his, he got a whiff of her jasmine scent. He breathed in deeper.

“You know,” he said, “the last time we danced together, it didn’t go so well.”

“That was your fault. You rejected my kiss.”

“I didn’t reject you. I would never reject you.”

Sage pulled back to look into his eyes. “Then what would you call it?”

“I didn’t want things to get complicated. Not before I told you my true identity.”

She blinked. “That’s why you pulled away?”

“It’s the honest truth.”

He could sense something shifting within her. As they continued to dance, it was like she was digesting this bit of news and figuring out where it left them. He wanted to ask, but he decided not to push his luck.

Tomorrow was her birthday and he had a couple of surprises planned for her. Hopefully it’d be enough to finish tearing down the wall between them. For now, holding her close would have to be enough.


THE EVENING WAS still a mystery.

Sage had the French doors leading to her private balcony open, letting in the sea bre

eze. Below her room was the pool and gardens, but tonight there were white tents scattered about lit up with torches. It appeared Trey was throwing her a birthday dinner.

She had to admit she was anxious to find out what he had planned. She was quickly learning he had a flair for the dramatic. But then again, she wouldn’t be opposed to a private candlelit dinner.

Her heart thump-thumped at the memory of how Trey had held her close on the yacht. He’d have kissed her, if she’d let him. So why hadn’t she?

As upset as she had been with the way he entered her life, she now knew he hadn’t set out to hurt anyone, except maybe himself...and his father. But Trey had changed. He was beginning to see that family and legacies meant something—they meant a lot.

She wanted to believe they could make a new start. Ever since he’d bought her the stunning pendant, the walls around her heart had started to fall. His encouragement, unwavering support and constant attention had shown her that she wasn’t wrong about Trey. He was an amazing man.

Sage put the final touches on her hair that she’d swept up and back with one smooth curl trailing down her back. She quickly put on the dangly earrings she’d borrowed from her roommate. She stepped back from the mirror to get an overall look at her appearance.

It was a sexy, daring fluff of violet material otherwise known as an amazing dress. She turned in a circle in front of the mirror. The organza fabric practically floated around her.

She felt like one of those stars that walked the red carpet. This dress wasn’t an ordinary dress. It was from a big-name designer who she always watched on the award shows to check out his latest designs. Little did she know that one day she’d be wearing one.

And then there were the heels. They made her heart pitter-patter every time she looked at them. They were a deep purple satin with a closed toe. Small crystals bordered the opening. A thin strap wrapped around her ankle.

Earlier today, Trey had escorted her to the boutiques in town. He insisted on getting her a birthday gift. She’d tried on almost every dress in her size. She’d also tried on matching shoes because the saleslady insisted. And, well, what woman could pass up wearing the most stunning pair of heels.

In the end, Sage insisted the dress was more than enough of a birthday gift. The shoes were just too much. But when she’d returned to the château, she’d found the boutique had delivered not only the dress but also the shoes. Trey obviously had selective hearing. She should insist they be returned, but shoes were her weakness. Did that make her a bad person?

A knock at her door had her rushing over to answer it. She pulled it open, ready to thank Trey for his tremendous generosity. However, when she took in his still-damp hair styled to perfection and his black tux, the words stuck in her throat. This man could definitely wear a suit with his broad shoulders, muscled chest and slim waist. Oh, yes, he looked like a star.

“You are breathtaking.” Trey’s voice jarred her from her thoughts.

“Thank you. I was just thinking the same about you.”

“What?” He acted all innocent. “You mean this old thing?”

She laughed. “That old thing looks like a million dollars on you.”

A sexy smile lit up his tan face and made his eyes twinkle. When he looked at her that way, her heart raced. He made her feel like she was the only woman in the world for him. “Why, thank you, ma’am.” He held out his arm to her. “Shall we?”

Tags: Jennifer Faye Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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