Miss White and the Seventh Heir - Page 60

“That sounds very tempting, but I’m going to have to take a pass. I hope you have a good time.”

“Wait. What? Why aren’t you coming with me?” She was hoping they’d spend the day together.

“Because while we’ve been concentrating on lining up star-studded interviews, the work back at the office has been piling up. And I need to get to it.”

“Oh.” Disappointment welled up in her. “You mean your software business.”

“That, too. But I was referring to the magazine. Remember, as far as everyone knows, I’m still your assistant.”

“But you aren’t. You don’t have to do that stuff. I can handle it.”

“What you can do is walk this way.” He led her out to her own private balcony. He placed the food on the table and then turned to her. “Now, sit and eat. And then go have fun.”

“But without you?”

“I promise I’ll work as fast as I can and then catch up with you.”

“I could stay and help. We’d get it done twice as fast.”

He shook his head. “I’ve got this. But if you’d like, I could have Louise start lining up applicants for you to interview when you get back to California.”

“But won’t she find that strange, considering she doesn’t know who you really are?”

He lowered his gaze. “I was going to tell her. I figured that way by the time we get back to LA everyone in the office would know the truth.”

It would be best coming from him. “Go ahead and tell her. But I don’t know about lining up applicants. With the board meeting c

oming up, it might be a pointless endeavor.”

“Stop worrying. With all the progress you’ve made, there’s no way they’ll shut down the magazine. It’s going to be the crown jewel of QTR International.” He leaned forward and gave her a quick kiss like it was something they did every morning.

And then he was gone. She sighed. She knew he was still trying to set things right between them and that just made her—what? The feeling was just bubbling beneath the surface. It was a word that she’d never used in connection with anyone—until now.

She loved Trey.

She smiled—truly smiled. She couldn’t remember the last time she smiled this much. And it was thanks to him.

Now it was her turn to do something special for him. And she knew exactly what it would be. She grabbed her cell phone and scrolled down until she found the number for Quentin senior. Her finger hesitated over the send button. If Trey had been able to learn to appreciate his family’s magazine, maybe there was hope for him to forgive his father.

She pressed Send. The phone started to ring.

This was a chance for all of them to have a fresh start.

* * *

It was the final evening of the festival.

They were invited to the swankiest gala and Trey was anxious to escort Sage. Tonight would be their grand swan song. He knew when they returned to California that they’d have to contend with their jobs. His would take him back to San Francisco while her position kept her in LA.

Sure, they’d stay in close contact at first. There’d be phone calls every day and weekends together. But he knew from past experience that the phone calls would slowly trickle off and the weekend getaways would grow farther and farther apart.

It wasn’t what he wanted, but it was all he had to offer her. But for tonight, they could pretend their future together was rosy. Because try as he might, he’d come to care for Sage more than he’d ever cared for anyone. And he didn’t know what to do with all these new feelings.

He straightened the tie to his tux, buttoned his jacket and then headed for the bedroom door. It was time to pick up his date. He couldn’t wait to see what she was wearing this evening. Between the gowns he’d gotten for her and what she’d packed in all those suitcases, he didn’t think she’d worn the same outfit twice since they’d arrived in Cannes.

He rapped his knuckles on her bedroom door.

“Come in.”

Tags: Jennifer Faye Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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