Good Girls Don't (Donovan Brothers Brewery 1) - Page 124

“Eric’s being nice,” he said. “But I admit, I didn’t expect Jamie to be pissed for quite so long.”

“Well, I won’t ask for any details, but I suspect he might have seen a little too much of your dating life in college.”

“Uh. Yeah, don’t ask for any details.”

She kissed him again before drawing away. “Fair enough. Lucky for me, he didn’t see any of my dating life. You’ll never learn a thing.”

“I’ve been assured you were untouched and innocent before I came along. What more do I need to know?”

“Nothing. Just don’t open any of the closets when you move in. There could be a skeleton avalanche.”

He pulled her close again. “You sure you really want me here?”

Tessa closed her eyes and put her cheek to his chest. She listened to his heartbeat. She listened to the sound of her brothers in the next room cheering over the first play.

This was her life now. And all she’d had to give up was fear and a few years of sorrow. And in return, she got Luke Asher and everything he meant to her. Instead of breaking up, her family was getting bigger.

“I’m sure,” she whispered, hoping his shirt absorbed her tears. “For once, I’m really sure.”

Tags: Victoria Dahl Donovan Brothers Brewery Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025