“You heard me.”
They were right back where they’d been for years, and Eric stepped into the old groove with ease, his decade of anger at Jamie snapping quickly back into place. “Look, little brother. I know your idea of planning is to throw anything and everything out there and hope something sticks, but that’s not the way a professional goes through life. I’m responsible for the reputation of this brewery and—”
“Oh, you’re kidding me, right? Because that is pure, hilarious irony coming from you. If you think—”
“Hey!” Tessa shouted, and Eric realized they’d both been yelling. “What is going on here? I think I missed something.”
Eric’s anger fell away like spilled water. He should’ve kept his mouth shut. Jamie, on the other hand, looked morbidly delighted.
He smiled. “Why don’t you ask Eric?”
Eric shook his head. He didn’t want to tell Tessa. She was his baby sister. He’d been her hero, once upon a time. “It’s just a fight.”
Her eyes narrowed. “I heard something about a woman coming in and starting an argument with Eric, but I assumed…” Her gaze slid to Jamie. “Everything’s okay with you and Olivia, right?”
“Olivia and I are great, but thanks for the vote of confidence. Ask Mr. Perfect here what that was about. Oh, and watch out for falling pedestals, Tessa.”
She rolled her eyes. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means the higher you are, the harder you fall. Especially if you’ve been pretending to be an angel.”
“All right.” Eric sighed. “That’s enough.”
“Not by far. But I’ll let you explain to our sister. I’ve got to get to work.”
Jamie disappeared into the barroom, and the doors swung silently in his wake, but Eric winced as if a door had slammed. His brain scrambled for a way to explain it all away, but he couldn’t think. He was so damn tired. And guilty.
Tessa folded her arms. “You’re having girl trouble? Is this April Fools’ Day?”
“I wish it were.”
“Come on. Give me the dirt.” She was smiling as if it was a joke, because she couldn’t imagine that Eric would ever do something scandal-worthy. He was the responsible one. The steady one. The one who never had time for fun, and didn’t miss it for a second.
“It’s no big deal,” he lied. “Just an argument with a woman.”
“Oh, is that all?” She leaned forward. “Seriously, Eric. What woman?”
“Someone I saw a few months ago. It was just one date. Nothing serious.”
“Then why did she come in here to yell at you last night?”
Oh, that. He held his breath for a few moments, hoping that an earthquake would hit or a tornado siren would begin to sound. Anything to distract his sister from the question. But no natural disasters struck. And Tessa would find out, whether he told her or not. “What did you hear?”
“Come on,” she groaned. “Out with it.”
Eric took a deep breath, but it didn’t make him feel any better. “The woman I went out with thought I was Jamie,?
?? he said quickly.
Tessa didn’t react with horror. She didn’t gasp and press a hand to her forehead. She just snorted. “That’s ridiculous. You two don’t look anything alike.”
“Right. But she saw Jamie’s nameplate at the business expo last spring, and she thought I was Jamie. That’s all.”
“Oh. Well, that’s weird. Why would you… Whatever. As long as you didn’t sleep with her.” That was when her amusement finally fell away. “You didn’t, did you?”
Eric wished they were in his office so he could sit down. His legs didn’t feel quite right. He paced to the glass wall that separated them from the tank room and watched Wallace as he polished one of the tanks.
“Eric? I was just joking.”