Real Men Will (Donovan Brothers Brewery 3) - Page 68

“What I’m trying to say is that…I’d like to offer you the opportunity to buy the White Orchid.”

“What?” she managed to rasp.

“We talked about it a few years ago, remember? The idea that you might like to buy the store someday, that I could pass it on to you. And you certainly work as hard as any business owner right now. You’re doing my job, plus your own. You’re amazing, and you’re the only person I would trust the White Orchid to.”

“But…but what are you going to do?”

“I thought I would buy a little house here near the women’s center. And I could just…work. Help people.”

Beth realized that she was nodding over and over. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t say anything yet. It’s a huge decision, Beth. One of the biggest you’ll ever make. But I know you’re made for bigger things than just being my manager. The store already belongs to you. You can do this. It’s everything you’ve wanted.”

She was still nodding.

“Think about it. I’ll call next week, and we’ll talk details.”


“And please be careful about Roland Kendall. I’m not worried about the store, Beth. I’m worried about you.”

Beth smiled automatically, but her stomach felt like a boulder as she hung up the phone.

To own the White Orchid. It was her dream. Or it had been her dream, years ago. But she’d spent the last few months just wishing Annabelle would come home and take her place as the rightful head of the store. The face of the White Orchid. The one who knew exactly what she was doing. Without her, Beth just felt…scared.

But if the White Orchid was hers, she’d be a business owner. Her dad would be so proud.

“Oh, sure.” She sighed. He’d be proud until he found out what the business really was. Ladies’ foundation garments, indeed.

She had money saved, though she’d bit into her savings account with the new car this year. Still, her credit was great, the store had a steady, predictable income; there was no reason to think she couldn’t manage a small business loan. She could likely buy the business itself from Annabelle, while only leasing the building.

Looking around the crowded office, Beth made herself take a deep breath. She loved this place and the people who worked here. She loved helping the customers and putting them at ease. And she’d been planning for this moment for a long time. But she’d never expected it to come so soon.

And she’d never expected it to feel so terrifying, if terror was the emotion making her feel sick to her stomach.

“Beth?” Kelly called. “Are you off the phone?”

“Yes,” she whispered, then cleared her throat and spoke more forcefully. “Yes!”

“Do you know when we’re expecting more glass-work? This twelve-inch guy is scaring people off!”

Beth made herself set aside her thoughts and get back to work.

Jamie was gone, and Kelly was waving around the black glass dildo as she talked to a middle-aged woman in a business suit. Just another day in the office.


“IT’S GOING TO HAVE TO BE replaced,” the mechanic said as he poked at the rotor. “It’s throwing the whole system out of whack.”

That didn’t sound like a strictly scientific diagnosis to Eric, but he grunted and nodded. “Fine. How long?”

“Five days.”

“Five days? Are you kidding me?”

“It’s coming from New Jersey.”

“On what? Horseback? Can’t you rush it?”

Tags: Victoria Dahl Donovan Brothers Brewery Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025