Real Men Will (Donovan Brothers Brewery 3) - Page 79

“I’m good, Dad.”

“I’ve been meaning to call you. I can’t tell you how much I liked your

gentleman friend. He’s exactly the kind of man you should be seeing. Serious, smart.”

“Dad, we’re only friends. I need to ask—”

“Then you should do your best to make it more. You’re thirty-five now. It’s time to settle down.”

She clenched her eyes shut. “Who did you go to dinner with the other night?”

“I thought I told you! It was Roland Kendall. Can you believe that? The last time I saw him was at your graduation. He took us all to dinner afterward. In fact, I tried to pay for dinner this time, but he insisted, and I confess, I let him. He can afford it, after all.”

“Dad… What did you talk about?”

“Oh, what old men always talk about. Our families, our lives. We both want grandchildren, of course. We laughed that both our daughters had forgotten the important things in life. Speaking of which, that Eric really likes you. I think there’s more to this than you’re revealing to your father.”

She pressed her palm to her forehead. So much more.

“I’m proud of you. I worried for a while. After all that nonsense. You work too hard, and you never come home. But you’re a good girl. I know you’ll end up with a good man and a good life.”

She pressed her hand harder to her head, trying to counter the pressure inside. “Daddy,” she whispered. “I’m not…I…”

“Oh, I know you don’t want to talk about it now, but it’ll happen. You two were trying so hard to hide it. I had trouble keeping a straight face!”

He sounded so happy. And proud. That she wasn’t an unwanted single woman. That her horrid indiscretion was far behind her. That she might actually make him proud by marrying a nice man and settling down. He sounded the way he used to sound, before she’d broken his heart and his pride and almost destroyed his love for her.

And for a brief moment—just one heartbeat—Beth hated him.

“Dad, I’ve got to go.”

“Hold on. Your mother wants to speak with you.”

“No—” But it was too late. She could already hear her mother’s giggle as she picked up the phone.

“Your father tells me you’re dating a nice young man who owns his own business! Oh, Beth. Your dad was so impressed with him.”

Her mom started on about the pie, and Beth held herself very still, hating the way her heart sped as if she were an eager puppy being praised. Eighteen years ago, her father’s approval would’ve changed everything. Now she was just sorry that she still wanted it so much.

And she could have it. She could leave the White Orchid, date a nice preppy guy like Eric, settle down, find a job she wouldn’t have to keep secret. And that incident in high school would never be thought of again. It would cease to exist, overshadowed by the fact that she’d turned out to be a good girl, after all.

This was her chance. She could start over. Walk away from a life that no longer felt as though it fit.

But the trouble was that nothing fit her anymore. Good girl, bad girl, prude or slut. She wasn’t any of those things. Or she was all of them.

“Mom,” she finally cut in. “I’ve got to get back to work.”

She hung up and squeezed her eyes shut.

Hell, she didn’t even know what she wanted anymore. Ten years ago, she would’ve been relieved if she were forced to tell her father the truth. But the last few years had been nice. Comfortable. She finally felt close to him again, and now Kendall was going to ruin it. Her father would be mortified and ashamed. Her mom would flutter around like an upset bird as he called her terrible names. Beth wasn’t sure she could do that again. But she couldn’t imagine lying for his approval anymore, either.

Cairo popped into her office. “Hey, can I take my break?”

“Yes, I’m sorry. Of course.” Beth forced herself to smile as she smoothed down her hair and stood up.

“You need some blush,” Cairo said before disappearing.

God, she needed a lot more than that. But Beth got out her compact and dusted blush on her pale face before adding a little color to her lips. She looked perfectly normal. Confident and poised and successful. She looked like a fraud. But she strode out to the floor with a smile, winking at Cairo to let her know she was free.

Tags: Victoria Dahl Donovan Brothers Brewery Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025