Real Men Will (Donovan Brothers Brewery 3) - Page 104

“You were pretending?”

She laughed and pressed her mouth to his again. “Not with you,” she said into his kiss. “Never with you. But I have one more confession,” Beth whispered.

Eric felt more than a little nervous. “What?”

She leaned closer, her lips brushing his ear. “I stole a pair of your underwear and keep them in my sock drawer.”

“You’re lying.”

“I’m not. I wanted a memento.”

“Wait a minute. You just wrote a whole column declaring that you weren’t a pervert!”

Her lips touched his ear, then trailed down his neck until Eric shivered. “I lied,” she breathed. And he really, truly hoped she had.


“ARE YOU NERVOUS?” BETH asked, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.

Eric turned his head and breathed in the scent of her hair. “No,” he answered. Any minute now, people would start to show up for the grand reopening of Donovan Brothers. The front room looked perfect.

“A little?” she pressed.

“A little. I’m nervous for Jamie. I want everything to be perfect.”

“It will be,” she assured him, and Eric felt better, even though she couldn’t have any idea. He glanced back, through the small windows in the double doors. It was strange to look back and see the kitchen so busy. They’d only used it for prep work in the past.

“Maybe I should go check on the—”

“It’s fine,” Beth assured him. “Jamie’s got it under control. Leave him alone.”

“Right. Okay. Leave him alone.”

“Good boy,” she said with a smile that immediately made him think of sex.

Eric raised an eyebrow. “Good boy? Is this something new you’re into?”

Laughing, she tried to swing away from him, but Eric caught her and tugged her close again. “Tell the truth. You’ve dreamed of getting me in a dog collar, haven’t you?”

When she threw her head back with a loud laugh, Eric took the opportunity to taste her neck. “Mmm.”



“Because there are people…”

“Maybe that’s what I’m into.”

She clutched his hair and tugged him back. Did she think that would make him less interested? But her wide smile finally distracted him. The sight of her so happy unleashed a frighteningly warm feeling in his chest.

“I have an idea,” she said. “If you really want to try something new.”

“Oh, yeah?” He leaned a little closer.

“Have you ever thought about…waxing?”

“Waxing? Who?”

Tags: Victoria Dahl Donovan Brothers Brewery Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025