Shameless (Bound Hearts 7) - Page 61

Tremors of agonizing pleasure were attacking her nerve endings as she clenched around the erection penetrating her ass, stretching her, burning her as she fought to adjust to it. But she was given no chance to adjust.

Ian’s hands adjusted her legs over his, then gripped her waist as they began to slowly lower her.

“Ian, I can’t stand it…” She jerked in their grip, feeling Khalid’s cock stroke, shift and caress the hypersensitive flesh it penetrated.

“Too bad, baby. ” She felt his cock press against the opening of her pussy, Khalid buried deep inside her, remaining still as she once again knelt on the bed, only now, Ian lay beneath her, prepared to penetrate the ultra-tight recesses of her pussy.

“Now, you take all I am, Courtney,” he growled. “Everything. Starting now…”

If she had known pleasure before, it was nothing compared to what Ian began to show her. With Khalid buried deep in her ass, Ian began to work his cock into her pussy, its narrow channel protesting the burning impalement of Ian’s erection. Short, easy thrusts worked her open, made a way for the heavy weight of his cock, and sent her senses careening.

She could hear herself begging, pleading, but she wasn’t certain what she begged for. As he worked his cock inside her, his lips surrounded a nipple, his teeth rasping, nipping the tender peak as hard hands held her hips in place until he finally, agonizingly, slid every broad inch of his cock inside her.

The dual penetration was nothing like the toys they had played with. Her senses were spinning now as they began to move within her. Four hands stroked her, caressed her, two voices urged her on in her pleasure, as two heavy, wide cocks began to fuck her with hungry demand.

She could feel the wave of her climax building, though she realized the slow, measured pace the two men were using would never throw her quickly into climax. Once more they were torturing her, building the tension inside her until she was certain she would never survive it.

“Feel, Courtney,” he whispered as he tucked her head against his chest, his lips at ear. “The pleasure and the pain, the fire and ice. Feel it, baby, let it have all of you. Let me have all of you. ”

He already had her.

Her fingers clenched into his shoulders as she fought to hold on, though there was no fear of her moving any more than the two men taking her wished. Their cocks burned inside her body as they thrust heavily into her, the rhythm building, each stroke sending the clawing, electrical impulses of pleasure soaring within her.

She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t exist. She felt the explosion begin in her belly, felt it expand, detonate, overtake her as her soul began to melt in the conflagration overtaking her.

Ian and Khalid’s voices were lost in the madness as the orgasm surged through her. Surged through her and refused to stop. Over and over it convulsed her body, as each stroke triggered another, sent her surging, screaming, then repeated the process until she felt something inside her fly free.

The final, shattering release ripped through her as Ian exploded inside her, filling her with the white-hot wash of his semen and Khalid shuddered above her, obviously in the throes of his own release.

Sandwiched between them, drifting in a sea of lost reason, Courtney felt, for once, sated, all her senses satisfied as she heard Ian’s rumbling growl of complete male satiation at her ear. Something she hadn’t heard before. His voice, whispering her name, a tremor—perhaps of acknowledgement that she was his match—vibrating deep within it.

Exhaustion filled her. Like a person starving, then sated, she closed her eyes to glory in the relief.

“I think she handled that pretty well. ” Khalid collapsed beside Ian as he cuddled Courtney against his chest, his face still buried in her neck.

“Fuck off. ” Ian’s voice was lazy, sated, thick with emotion.

Khalid wondered if he would face the emotion though.

He chuckled as though such heavy thoughts weren’t a part of his after-release mentality.

“You’ve overdramatized what happened before, Ian. ” He scratched lazily at his chest. “Stubborn bastard. ”

Ian grunted as he turned, placing Courtney between them as Khalid leaned up to dispose of the condom he had donned before taking the woman. As much as Ian liked to share, he didn’t like his playground drenched in another man’s seed.

“She’s so damned wild she amazes me,” Ian sighed as he turned her to her back, chuckling as she growled irritably at being moved.

“Wild as the wind,” Khalid agreed, watching as Ian’s fingers curled around a still flushed, swollen breast.

Her nipples were still hard, the flesh of the areola darkened from her passions. She murmured appreciatively as his thumb rasped over the tip. Her eyes remained closed, but her expression was one of drowsy, returning sensuality.

“Come here, little wind. ” Ian sighed deeply as he pulled her into his arms then, tucking her protectively against his chest. “Sleep. For now. ”

Khalid wondered if his friend had any idea how revealing that move was. Never, with all the women he had seen Ian share, had he been prone to cuddle them when the sex was over. And never had his voice been so deep, so filled with emotion. He loved the girl, but admitting it would be as hard as finally sharing her had been. Ian was set within the life he had deemed would be his years before. And Courtney, soft, sweet, inherently innocent, was everything he had ever feared of corrupting. Realizing that Courtney saw it as a part of the love she felt for him, a part of herself, not corruption, would be the hardest battle the two would face.

Khalid sent a prayer to God that his friend would realize this before it was too late.

Chapter Fourteen

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024