Forbidden Pleasure (Bound Hearts 8) - Page 68

His gray eyes lit with challenge and humor.

“I look forward to it,” he drawled with a sensual smirk. “You have no idea how much I look forward to it. ”

She opened her lips to inform him how little she appreciated the arrogance when the soft trill of the doorbell interrupted.

Keiley jerked back as Mac suddenly surged from the bed and grabbed his jeans, jerking them on quickly.

“I wanted a shower,” she said mournfully as she grabbed her clothes and rushed to the bathroom.

The slick warmth of sex still coated her thighs, reminding her of the excess of moments past. She hastily cleaned up before dressing and rushing back into the bedroom, where Mac was waiting impatiently.

“It’s Maxine,” he informed her as he glanced out the side of the curtains to the driveway.

“Maxine?” Keiley pushed her feet back into her sandals.

“Jethro let her in. ” Mac sighed, his expression rueful. “We’d better get back down there. ”

Keiley stared back at him with a measure of concern.

“What will Jethro do?”

He snorted. “With Jethro, who can be sure? It’s according to the mood he’s in. ”

Keiley stepped into the living room behind Mac to see that Maxine Bright hadn’t arrived alone. She was accompanied by her quiet husband, Joseph.

Joseph wasn’t rough and rugged, and he wasn’t altogether handsome. But his quiet blue eyes and warm smile were steady and dependable. And his reputation for spoiling Maxine was legendary.

Six feet tall, lean rather than muscular, but with a surprising male grace, Joseph Bright was the complete opposite of his wife. Until Keiley had met his wife, she had imagined he was staid, stuffy, and self-righteous with his carefully combed thinning brown hair, light blue eyes, and carefully controlled lips.

As she had gotten to know the couple, she had learned that Joseph had a wicked, quiet wit, and that he was the perfect counterpart for his vivacious wife.

“There you are. ” Max bounced from the couch where she and Joseph had been sitting talking to Jethro. “We’ve been talking to your guest. ” She turned to her husband with a grin. “Why don’t you ever have such good-looking friends visit?”

“Because they know you,” he snorted. “You terrify them. ”

Keiley smothered her laughter at the frown that pulled at Max’s pretty face and the little pout that pulled at her lips.

“You’ll pay for that, Joseph,” she warned him.

He winced, though there was an edge of laughter in his gaze. “I’m sure I will, Maxine. ”

He rose to his feet to meet Mac’s outstretched hand then. “Mac. ” He nodded to Keiley. “Keiley. It’s good to see you two. I hope we aren’t disturbing you. Maxine was supposed to have called you before we arrived. ” He gave his wife a mocking glare.

“Oh, dear. Did I forget?” Maxine blinked innocently. “How rude of me. ”

Mac laughed. “You’re always welcome, Max. I see you’ve met Jethro. ”

“We have indeed,” Max drawled. “I’m impressed, Mac. He’s actually very charming. ”

“What did you expect?” Mac chuckled as Jethro rose to his feet as well.

“Well, according to Delia, your houseguest was a cross between a pit bull and an ogre. Of course, I just had to find out for myself. ” Her tone gave every appearance of friendly laughter, but Keiley heard the anger just beneath it. “And can you imagine?” She turned to her husband, meeting his wary gaze. “We must have missed the orgy, honey. Do you think we should come back later?”

Joseph’s expression tightened for an instant before he turned back to Mac with rueful amusement.

“She promised to behave. ”

“Yes, I did. ” Maxine turned to Keiley. “Where the hell have you been? You missed last night’s meeting and Delia is telling everyone far and wide it’s because you’re having orgies out here, and evidently the whole damned FBI agency Mac was a part of is participating. Really, Keiley. You didn’t invite me. ”

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024