Guilty Pleasure (Bound Hearts 11) - Page 27

"Shayne. Thank you for escorting my lovely date. I'll take her off your hands now. " His voice was dark, brooding, sending a surge of sensation racing up her spine as she and Shayne turned to him.

"Evenin' Khalid. And I must say, it was my pleasure. "

There were days when it sucked being at the mercy of what she liked to believe were no more than hormones. After all, how could you love a man who made you insane every time you saw him? It couldn't be love, therefore it had to be a biological/chemical/pheromonal reaction that bound her to him.

"Marty. " Khalid turned to her then, and the force of those dark eyes staring into hers seemed to steal her breath and the last bit of common sense she might have possessed as his head lowered and his lips brushed hers.

"Khalid. " She tried to pretend that her reaction to him didn't exist, but the brush of his lips against hers stole her breath and left her knees weakening in response.

"Dance with me. " The tone of his voice as he gripped her hand and pulled her to him had Marty's heart racing as heat began to swirl through her body.

The dark edge of hunger in his tone was barely hidden, but it was his eyes, midnight velvet, so deep and filled with sensual promise that had her flesh sensitizing, her breasts swelling and her clit suddenly pulsing in reaction.

"I must admit Khalid, I didn't expect you to have your third pick me up tonight," she muttered as Khalid drew her against him and began moving her across the dance floor. "I was beginning to wonder if you had changed your mind concerning a relationship with me. Again. " Innocence marked her face and belied the subtle mockery in her tone.

"I apologize again, love," he murmured, his thick lashes screening whatever emotion was in his eyes.

"Since he did pick me up tonight, that does rather make him my official date. " Marty kept her voice calm, sweet. Innocent. "I believe, as such, he's entitled to certain privledges. Wouldn't you think?"

"I don't believe I would agree with that statement. " He didn't beat around the bush. "Don't play games with me, Marty. We've gone too far for that. "

"Really?" Arching her brows inquisitively she forced back the amusement she wanted to feel. She wanted what she was entitled to, all of him, or nothing. "So tell me then, Khalid, what game were you playing when you invited me to attend this ball with you, only to send Shayne to pick me up instead?"

"That is an explanation for another time," he answered, his tone brooding.

"Then perhaps this relationship that I've fought so hard for is meant for another time as well. I won't be pawned off like a reluctant responsibility. I'm certain there are other interested parties who would be more than happy to actually escort me themselves. " Marty shrugged negligently, though she paid particular attention to the fact that Khalid was dancing them closer to the darkened hallway that led to the main house.

"You would only turn them down were they to extend such an invitation," he growled as he stared down at her, his expression darkening. "You rarely attend these balls with a date. "

Which, unfortunately, was no more than the truth.

"I didn't always turn them down," she

reminded him. "Just particular ones. There were several I accepted over the years. "

"Men who had no chance of controlling you," he pointed out. "You dated men who had no chance in hell of naysaying you in any decision you should make. "

The words had her lips parting in outrage as he stopped at the entrance to the hall before gripping her upper arm and drawing her into it.

"Couldn't handle me?" She glared up at him as he led her through an opened doorway into a small library before closing the door behind them. "Khalid, no man handles me. "

Jerking her arm from his grip she rounded on him, every insult she could think of rising to her lips, ready to fall from her tongue.

"I do. "

Demanding, arrogant, his voice lit a fuse to her temper that had her lips parting to inform him otherwise, quite vocally. Instead, she found herself in his arms, his lips on hers, his larger, broader body bent to her as the hunger and the need held barely in check at the best of times, flamed out of control.

This was where she needed to be. All arguments aside. All pride aside. God help her, but she needed to be in his arms.

Her fingers clenched at the fine silken material of his evening jacket as she felt his hands splay against her back, drawing her closer. Small, sharp kisses fueled an already growing demand for his touch as Marty fought to get closer, to crawl into the hard, heated body holding her tight to his chest, to his kiss.

She felt as though she were flying. The pleasure whipped through her body, slicing through any hesitancy, any shyness. This was Khalid. The man she had been much too aware of since she was too young to even understand what it meant.

She wasn't too young now. She was a woman, and though she may be technically innocent that didn't mean she didn't know what she wanted, what he would want, eventually.

"God, what you do to me. " His lips moved from hers, traveling to her jaw, her neck. "You destroy me, Marty. "

It was no less than he did to her.

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024