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Guilty Pleasure (Bound Hearts 11)

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Marty sat on the side of her bed after a rigorous and grueling checkup by Khalid's doctor, as Khalid, Shayne, and her fathers waited just outside the room.

In Shayne's eyes she had seen not just his concern, but his affection. She didn't know what had happened, she had no idea why she had been targeted.

Now, if she just knew the rest of the story, the bits and pieces that both and Khalid and Shayne were hiding from her in regards to Khalid's past with his half brothers. Until she had those answers, she had other things to deal with. Not just her own protection, but also Khalid's. She needed to get with a few of her contacts and see what she could find out about Ayid and Aman Mustafa. She hadn't investigated them any further than what was in the file the bureau had given her. That had been a mistake on her part. Perhaps she would have known more about the vendetta they had against Khalid.

She kept her questions, as well as her suspicions, to herself as she assured her fathers that she was well. She listened to them rant and rave, then pretended a weariness she didn't truly feel to convince them to leave.

She loved them dearly, but their overprotective anger was about to smother her.

She had known for most of her life that where a relationship was concerned she would most likely end up involved as her mother was: with two men, rather than the socially acceptable one. Most of the men she knew were members of the club that her fathers were a par

t of. It was a legacy, a centuries-long tradition for the males of some families.

For Marty it helped knowing that her mother was one of the happiest women she had ever met in her life. Her fathers were just as satisfied and played roles in her and her mother's lives that had kept Marty as well as her mother secure and loved.

She had never considered who would play that role of a third in her relationship. She had certainly never expected it to be Shayne.

But she wanted them both. Admittedly, she wanted Khalid more; he was her center, the cause of a hunger she realized she wasn't going to escape. She had realized that the moment she knew Khalid had chosen Shayne as a third. And now, only hours after escaping death, she found herself needing it, aching for it.

She could have died. She could have lost so many precious moments in his arms.

As she rose to her feet she drew the pale gray silk of her robe tighter around her body and paced to the wide window that had been heavily shuttered. A dark privacy screen had been drawn over the window, blocking sight from the outside. It also blocked infrared and heat imaging. An amazing little invention created by one of the small companies that Khalid had acquired over the years.

The man didn't work a day in his life that she could see, but he had fingers in so many pies it was really amazing.

"You're restless. "

His voice had her swinging around to the open doorway. She hadn't heard him open the door, hadn't heard him and Shayne enter, but there they were.

"Restless?" She almost snorted at the description. "That's an understatement. "

Her gaze flickered between the two men and the hunger on their faces.

Khalid nodded gently, his expression, especially the dark depths of his eyes, filled also with sympathy and concern. But was there love? Was it even possible that they could fill with love?

She was focusing on that emotion when she had promised herself that she wouldn't take that path. She had promised herself that she wouldn't ask for anything more than to be his lover. If it was meant to be, then the love would come. If it wasn't, she would deal with that, too.

Her heart wasn't following that directive, though. It was aching, demanding that she do more, and, at this point, she had no idea what that more could be.

"Have you managed to find out why I was targeted?" She spoke to Shayne, knowing he would have been on the phone with his contacts by now.

"Nothing conclusive. " He shook his head. "You know how it works, Marty. It takes more than a few hours. "

"Knowing that doesn't help," she muttered irritably.

"I can understand your anger. " Khalid moved closer, the sensuality, the sexuality that was so much a part of him seeming to surround her. "Though I feel I must point out, had you not run from me this morning, then this would not have happened, Marty. You would be in my bed now, filled with pleasure rather than facing the knowledge that you're in danger. "

"Thank you for pointing that out to me," she said with false sweetness. "How ever have I made it through my life without you there to spread your little gems of wisdom?"

"Never fear, little flower. I'm here now. " His smile was tight, his gaze narrowed on her. "I'll make certain you don't forget it. "

Shayne's chuckle drew a glower from her. She didn't need his particular brand of amusement at the moment. Glaring back at Khalid, she wondered exactly what it would take to shake loose that smooth persona he insisted on wearing.

"The last I heard, you don't do straight relationships, Khalid," she stated. "How was I to know you prefer me to stay rather than sending me on my way, as you do your other women?"

Mockery filled his expression now. "I have never sent a lover on her way, precious, as I'm certain you know. As a third, I've usually been sent on my way. "

"Poor guy, he's been so unloved. " Shayne smirked as he leaned against the dresser and crossed his arms over his chest, watching them curiously.

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