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Guilty Pleasure (Bound Hearts 11)

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Turning away from him, she stalked through the doorway and along the hall to the main foyer. He didn't follow her.

She had hoped he would. He could have pulled her into his arms, held her, given her more than that very experienced sexuality of his. If he truly cared for her, he'd give her the explanations she needed as well. He'd tell her about himself, as well as his past, without making her feel as though she would be stepping into forbidden territory when she considered actually asking him.

He seemed to have a sixth sense for when she was about to give him the third degree, because he always found something that had to be done that minute.

Shaking her head at the thought, and at the tears that wanted to fall, she strode through the doors Abdul had opened and all but ran to her car.

This was hell. She needed more than the few moments it took for him to wipe the sex from her body. She needed more than the eroticism he gave so freely. She needed something to hold on to.

While driving from the estate she battled back her tears and reminded herself that it wasn't over. She had three weeks left to capture his heart. Three weeks before she made the final decision on where her life would go from here.

Glancing in her rearview mirror she glared at the vehicles following her. He could send others to watch after her, but he couldn't take the time, or make the effort, to ensure that she stayed by his side.

Damn him. There were days she was beginning to wonder if he wouldn't really break her heart.

Khalid glared at the black BMW as it sped down the driveway to the security gates that protected the estate. His teeth were clenched, his body vibrated with frustration--and not sexual frustration, either.

She was making him crazy.

He knew what she wanted, and it was something he couldn't give her, not yet. Explanations. Details of a past he didn't want to remember, let alone talk about. But in her eyes had been the clear message that she would no longer accept anything less.

Khalid knew women, and he knew his avoidance of the questions in Marty's eyes was hurting her. And God above knew he hated hurting her.

As he ran his hand along the back of his neck, he bit off a curse before jerking his cell phone from the holster at the belt of his jeans. Hitting a speed dial number, he brought it to his ear and waited.

Shayne answered the call on the first ring with a brief "yeah. "

"Have you learned anything?" The assailant who had attacked Marty was more elusive than they had anticipated.

"Not enough. " Anger filled Shayne's voice. "I know what the bastard looks like now, Khalid. I know the general area where he's supposed to be hiding. But I'll be damned if I can find him. "

"No information at all has come in?" Khalid asked, thinking of the contacts he had sent Shayne to for help.

"Plenty of information. " Shayne sighed. "Whoever he is, he was definitely sent by your brothers to do more than just kill Marty. He's researching a target and preparing to hit it. No word on what that target is yet, other than the fact that they consider it a strategic hit. "

"That could be anything. " Khalid sighed. "Any word if Ayid and Aman are in the States?"

"Nothing," Shayne stated firmly. "And I've been asking. All I have for certain is that they sent someone to finish a mission. I'm assuming it's the mission you and the FBI broke up in D. C. Other than that, I really have jack shit. At the moment, we're concentrating on the target and letting you and Zach Jennings concentrate on protecting Marty. "

Khalid frowned at that. "I thought you were alone. "

"I was until the bastard decided to play the invisible man. Jennings loaned me some agents," Shayne grunted. "I'm on call if he's spotted, and I just finished checking the lead I managed to uncover last night. Until he makes a move, or he's seen, my hands are tied. "

"Did you see Marty while you were following your leads?" Khalid asked.

Shayne chuckled. "I'm watching for her, but I haven't seen her. I figure, if she's not suspicious yet, then she will be soon. I know her too well. The very fact I've spent so much time away from the two of you will have her radar up. And trust me, it's up. She's suspicious as hell. "

At least she had stayed out of Shayne's mission so far. Khalid had nightmares at the thought that she would begin poking her nose into his brothers' criminal activities.

"What are you hearing from the Bureau? Have they managed to learn anything?"

"I'm telling you what I know, man. " Shayne sighed. "The Bureau managed to ID him based on the description a contact gave me. I have a picture now, and it's definitely him. But he's as slick as butter so far. "

"Will you have some free time until the terrorist makes a move?"

"I have nothing but time until that son of a bitch shows his ugly face," Shayne said.

"Perhaps you would like to join Marty and myself for tomorrow night," he suggested.

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