Guilty Pleasure (Bound Hearts 11) - Page 94

"You didn't trust Shayne and me to protect you?" She laid her little purse on the antique table just inside the door.

"I hired them as backup, not protection. Besides, you're my lover, not my bodyguard," he answered her. "I had them secure the house when I learned Shayne wasn't returning with us tonight. "

"I see," she murmured, moving farther into the room. "So, will they be here permanently?"

"I would imagine they will be. At least for a while," he told her. "I sleep easier with you in the bed sleeping with me. Neither of us will have to worry about the security of the estate this way. "

Khalid followed her slowly, crowding her closer to the large bed on the other side of the room.

"Do you have a problem with this?" he asked her silkily.

"Would it do me any good to have a problem with it?" A delicate brow arched mockingly.

"We would, of course, discuss it," he promised, as he shed his evening jacket.

"Oh, I just bet we would. " Eyes narrowed, she watched as he toed his dress shoes from his feet.

"I'm always willing to discuss any problems you might have, dear," he assured her, as he began to loosen the buttons of his shirt.

"Somehow I doubt it would be an acceptable discussion. " The edge of mockery in her voice had his lips tilting in acknowledgment.

"I would always do my best to accommodate you," he promised her, as his gaze flicked over the ballgown she still wore. "However you need. "

"And if my needs didn't include sex at the moment?" Her head tilted as her arms crossed over her breasts. "What if the discussion topic was something that required words rather than actions?"

His brows arched as though in surprise. "I assumed all discussions require words rather than actions. Have the rules changed?"

"Whenever you decide to try to change them," she shot back.

Khalid almost chuckled. She was a fiery little thing; he loved that about her. He would never manage to get anything over on his Marty; she would always see him for the man he was. Whether or not that was a good thing, he wasn't certain at the moment.

What he was certain of was the complete hunger raging through him. He needed her. His dick was a fiery throb, his lips ached to kiss her. Like a drug he had been too long without, his entire body was edgy for her.

"You should inform me when you make these decisions," she told him, as he moved closer to her. "Don't pretend I know everything that's going on here. And this decision to hire a mercenary force without my knowledge is bullshit. You should have consulted with me first. "

His nostrils flared. "I do not have to consult with anyone where my protection and the protection of my woman are concerned. "

He watched her expression tighten. Her chin lifted to a stubborn angle, her gaze darkened. He hadn't thought he could feel hornier, but that look proved him wrong.

"I am fully trained. " She bit out the words, ire punctuating every one. "Have you forgotten that?"

Khalid was treading a very fine line, and he had the sense to know it. Just as he knew that if the ground rules were not established now, then the problems down the road would only amplify.

"While you are in my bed, sleeping in my arms, I am your protection," he said, as he gripped her waist and pulled her to him. "Hear that, Marty. Know it. You may call the shots at any other time. But during those hours that you are my lover, I will ensure your protection with my life. "

He didn't give her time to argue. As far as he was concerned, there was no argument. His lips covered the words ready to spill from her, his tongue stroking along the satiny curves before pushing in to tease her tempting little tongue.

"This is no way to win this fight," she gasped, as he pulled at the skirt of her gown, jerking it up her leg to allow his hand to stroke beneath it.

"This fight has already been won," he informed her, trying to breathe through the hunger pounding through him. "The unit is here, they are on guard, and, by God, you are in my arms. I win. "

He was certain she would have said more. The woman could argue for hours, he knew. Rather than give her the chance, his hand slid to the wet triangle of silk between her thighs and cupped her firmly.

Instantly, her expression softened, a flinch of pure pleasure shook her body, and Khalid couldn't hold back the growl that to

re from his throat at her response.

"I want to be inside you. " Lowering his head to her ear, he nipped at the lobe as his fingers found the delicate little nub of her clit and rubbed it sensually. "I want to watch my cock sink inside the snug heat of your pussy, Marty. I want that with every breath inside me. "

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024