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Guilty Pleasure (Bound Hearts 11)

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Aman's glare intensified. "You mock me, Khalid?" He snarled. "You mock Allah further? The unholy alliances you partake of with other men's wives is a sin against all men. You should have been stoned as an infant. Destroyed before you could infect others with your perversions. "

And Aman believed that, Marty saw. In his deep brown eyes she saw the conviction he felt.

"I've heard this all before, Aman. " Khalid sighed. "It's becoming boring. "

"Then hear this, traitor . . . "

The rifle went off.

Marty flinched then screamed as the bullet tore a hole in the pillow no more than a breath from her head.

"Fuck you, Aman!" Khalid yelled furiously, as he pulled Marty closer to him, despite her attempts to throw herself to the other side of the bed and the gun within easy reach if she could just make the distance.

"Perhaps I am only trying to liven things up," Aman sneered. "As you tried to liven them up the day you killed mine and Ayid's wives. The day you and Abram thought you could destroy our lives and our plans, forever. "

Marty dug her nails into Khalid's wrists in an attempt to force him to release her.

"Abram did nothing," Khalid snapped.

The rifle fired again. A volley of bullets tore into the mattress beside Marty as Aman screamed out furiously. "You bastard liar! We know better! We have always known better! Tonight I came to kill your whore. Ayid will be with Abram now, ensuring he never breathes another night. But you, my brother, you will live to suffer as no man on earth has ever suffered. "

He was insane.

Marty fought to hold herself in place, to still the need to fight Khalid's hold until it eased just enough to tear herself from his arms at the next opportunity.

She was halfway behind him now as he jerked her back and came forward. His muscles were tense and bulging as he held his rage in check, obviously waiting as well.

"You won't live to make me suffer," Khalid assured him. "Trust me, Aman. I'll hunt you both down like rabid dogs. "

Aman chuckled at that. "I may die, but you will suffer. You will suffer the truth. The knowledge that your actions have caused you to lose the only woman you have ever truly loved. Ah, yes. " He smiled. "I heard your vow of undying devotion to your little cunt. Words you have never given another woman. They have signed her death warrant rather than the mere raping I had intended for her. "

She would rather die than have him so much as graze her with his demonic touch.

"Don't force me to destroy you, Aman," Khalid warned him, his voice powerful despite its softness. "I will. Harm her, and I'll make certain you die in agony. "

"No more agony than you will know, my brother. " The rifle lifted again and aimed toward her hip.

"Aman!" Khalid screamed out his name as the weapon fired.

Agony streaked along Marty's hip as she threw herself from Khalid to the edge of the bed. Her hand flew to the separation of the mattress and box spring, her fingers curling around the butt of the gun as it slipped free.

Simultaneously Khalid threw his weight over her body as more gunfire sounded.

She fought him. Trying to ignore the horrifying agony at her hip, Marty fought to turn, to aim the weapon she had managed to snatch at the bastard daring to endanger the man she loved.

"Move!" She was picked from the floor like a rag doll as Khalid threw himself toward the bathroom door.

Aman's curses were like the screams of a demon as Khalid threw the door closed, locked it, then forced Marty to the back of the room and into the sunken tub.

She stared at him in shock as she glimpsed the small, lethally powerful P90 personal protection weapon he carried in one hand.

"Put this on. " He threw a white robe to her as he grabbed the white, comfortable pants he had worn in their suite and jerked them on.

"You won't escape so easily, Khalid. " The sound of Aman's weapon tapping against the door was like listening to Satan peck his nails against it. It sent chills racing down her spine and horror filled her soul.

"Are you okay?" Khalid sliced a look at her as she tied the robe.

She nodded with the lie. She wasn't okay. She was bleeding like a damned stuck pig and her fucking hip was burning like the flames of hell were flickering over it.

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