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Intense Pleasure (Bound Hearts 14)

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Glancing over at them, she caught their promised looks of retaliation and reverted back to the childish habit of sticking the tip of her tongue out at them before giving them a smug smile.

“Love you, Daddy.”

* * *

Raeg remained quiet after Summer stepped onto the porch. Even when she stuck the tip of her tongue out at her brothers with childish glee, he managed to keep his shock hidden.

Never, in all the years he’d known her, had he seen this side of the woman he’d been so combative with. She’d infuriated him, drove him insane with the need to fuck her, made him crazy with her mysterious smiles and the knowledge that she was hiding something important, something no one ever saw, away from the world.

This woman resembled the Summer he knew in looks only.

The loving daughter—even though that father of hers likely deserved very little of her devotion—and the playful sister. There was a vulnerability he was seeing now that he’d never seen before.

Returning to the house with her, her brothers trailing behind them, Raeg left her in Falcon’s care as he and her brothers checked the house carefully. Despite the closeness of the two houses, the tree line separating them made it impossible to watch Summer’s house from her parents’. That made it harder to be certain no one had managed to slip past the security Caleb had installed.

They were playing a waiting game, and Raeg knew the odds were not in their favor. They had no idea when Dragovich would strike, where he would strike from, and how much help he’d have, if any. They were currently vetting all the employees who worked on the farm, but several of them were actually part of Caleb’s Special Forces team, and Summer’s brother had already vetted the others extensively before he hired them.

Which meant absolutely zero. Just because a man hadn’t been offered a bribe to betray a friend didn’t mean he wouldn’t take it once offered. That was a lesson Raeg had learned the hard way.

Once the house was checked thoroughly, and after a few teasing insults thrown out to their sister, the brothers left as Falcon disappeared upstairs for a video conference.

At least, that was his excuse.

Surprisingly enough, Summer kicked off her sandals and padded barefoot into the kitchen where she pulled a covered baking dish from refrigerator, pushed it into the oven, and set the temperature.

Raeg watched her silently, uncomfortable returning to his room and leaving her downstairs alone. God only knew the trouble she’d get into if he left her completely to her own devices.

“Momma put us a chicken casserole together this morning and had Caleb bring it over.” She grinned, turning to him. “At least we won’t starve this evening.”

At least they wouldn’t have to make the trek back to the other house to eat, he thought with some relief.

“You really don’t know what to think about my family do you?” Leaning on the center island, she stared at him in amusement. “All those balls and dinners you go to in DC, and my family just about makes you shake in your boots.”

Her humor at his expense really wasn’t appreciated.

“Your family is different—” He had to stop there. Hell, what did he know about families, his wasn’t exactly conventional, now was it?

His lips quirked rueful as her smiled widened, her violet eyes shining with mirth.

“They’re not what I expected,” he amended, hating the thought of taking that bright, fun-filled laughter from her eyes. “You’re different here. It was unexpected.”

She wasn’t hurt as she had been earlier, that shadow of betrayal wasn’t filling her eyes and he didn’t want to see it again.

“I’m at home here.” She looked around the kitchen with a fondness that maybe he should have expected. “I bought the house from my brother and then had it completely remodeled.” Her gaze met his once again and the shadows he’d always glimpsed in her eyes in DC weren’t there now. “It’s my home.”

And it felt like a home. Despite the fact that the atmosphere of the house had seemed lonely the night before, today it seemed anything but. There was a sense of peace here now, a settled feeling that was hard for him to put his finger on.

His mother always said a house reflected the owners, a home reflected those who shared it. Summer loved her home, and she loved being there, he realized.

“Even the kitchen?” he arched his brow, hiding the grin that wanted to tug at his lips. “You know Falcon’s on to you, right? He knows who makes those damned crumb cakes.”

Summer straightened at the information, her eyes narrowing on him in promised retaliation. “Who told? You? I bet god-daddy told you, didn’t he? And I bet you told Falcon. You’re a snitch, Raeg. You know that, right?” She was only barely holding back her laughter.

“Never try to con a con, Summer,” he snorted, crossing his arms over his chest as he shook his head at her. “Falcon’s been on to you since long before you went to work for him. He just lets you think you’re getting away with your shenanigans.”

Her eyes were sparkling with laughter now, her face filled with happiness. He’d never seen her like this. Never seen so much warmth and joy filling her face and her eyes, warming him from the inside out.

A little pout formed at her lips though teasing humor filled her eyes. “You’re lyin’ to me, surely. He would have said something.”

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