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Intense Pleasure (Bound Hearts 14)

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Saving the work he’d done on each of the files, Raeg closed them out, shut the laptop down, and closed it before giving Falcon his full attention.

“They have family reunions or something,” he recalled aloud.

“Family reunions are at the end of summer, not late spring.” Falcon shook his head. “The dates are always at the same time of the year, so that’s not what’s going on. And when I questioned Caleb about it, he became evasive.”

“What makes you think it has anything to do with a party then? The family’s well aware of the danger Dragovich represents, and they have enough situational awareness to know the danger any parties would represent. I don’t think they’d take that chance.”

Falcon’s lips thinned, his irritation increasing. “I considered that, until I learned the closest guesthouse was being outfitted with a hair dressing station and that Steven McGillan is arriving late, day after tomorrow. Steven’s her favorite hairdresser. I’ve heard of her having him flown in from DC to Paris just to fix her hair for an important event. The man’s weird as hell, but he only comes out for Summer when she’s preparing for some big event.”

Raeg turned his gaze to the glass doors and the two women still talking, their expressions intent as they stared down at the tablet Summer held to allow both of them to see it.

Surely to God she’d know better, he thought again. Summer wasn’t a stupid woman and she didn’t seem to have a death wish. Parties right now would be both stupid and suicidal.

“Why haven’t you asked Summer?” Raeg questioned his brother, turning his gaze back to meet Falcon’s frowning expression as it flickered with surprise.

“We both know Summer quite well, Raeg,” his brother pointed out. “Until we know what’s going on, questioning her isn’t something I’d advise.”

Raeg lifted his brow mockingly. “You’re just afraid she’ll get angry with you.” He snorted at the thought. “When are you going to start standing up to her, Falcon?”

Amusement, a hint of chagrin, and a whole lot of pleased male idiocy filled his brother’s expression.

“Because, spoiling her gives me pleasure as well, Raeg. I’m surprised you haven’t figured that out yet.” He chuckled. “But I also know Summer far better than you do, something you don’t seem to want to admit. If she’s planning something, it’s better to learn the details oneself than to depend upon her to give you everything you need to know. She’s far too independent for that.”

“You mean she’s far too secretive and contrary?” Raeg growled.

Falcon’s brow lifted in surprise. “Is there a difference?”

Raeg stared back at his brother, exasperation rising inside him.

Unfortunately, Falcon was right. Before confronting Summer over anything, it was better to have one’s facts in hand if they wanted to take her to task. Still, it didn’t change the fact that the woman was damned difficult to figure out—or do anything with.

“Independent,” Falcon liked to call it.

There were times Raeg thought she delighted in being just as difficult as possible instead.

Staring out at her again, he wondered if she had any idea the havoc she caused in men’s lives, in his and Falcon’s lives definitely. Still, Summer might be difficult, impulsive, secretive, but she wasn’t stupid. Besides, she’d know there was no way to hide her intention to attend any sort of party of the like that she’d need her favorite hairdresser, Steven McGillan, for.

“When are you meeting with the team?” Raeg asked his brother thoughtfully.

“In about two hours.” Leaning back in his chair, Falcon stared back at him with dark impatience. “I don’t like how easily we were surprised by that attempt to grab her yesterday. There’s just something off about it, Raeg. It shouldn’t have been possible.”

“As Cal said, they had help,” Raeg reminded him. “The cameras weren’t defective. I just finished going over the software. The warning alerts were taken offline and rerouted I suspect. That would require access to this laptop.” He flicked his fingers to the device Summer’s brother had brought to him earlier. “Which her brother Caleb assures me is always locked in Cal’s office. It could have been done at any time before Summer even returned home, there’s no way to be certain.” He shrugged. “Until now. I adjusted the programming and laid in a few safeguards no one should expect. They attempt it again, and I’ll know who it is.”

The webcam would go online covertly, snap a picture of whoever thought they were reprogramming the software, and instantly upload it to a secured cloud drive Raeg kept. The software would also alert Raeg through the sat phone he carried.

“Mother always did say you were the smart one,” Falcon snorted, amusement flickering in his gaze.

“My mother always said you were the pretty one,” Raeg pointed out mockingly, the brotherly insult bringing fond memories rather than crashing fury.

The smile that touched Falcon’s lips was bittersweet.

They shared a father, but their lives had been separated even before birth until after they were grown and knowledge of the legacy they shared had been revealed. They’d learned, even from those early years, to always be on guard though, to always protect anything they cared about and to hide the fact that they might care about anyone.

“Okay then, smart-ass,” Falcon sighed, rising to his feet. “I’ll get ready to head out, but”—a warning flashed in his gaze—“I’m telling you, we may see a party as idiotic, or somehow far too dangerous, but that doesn’t mean Summer will. If Steven’s heading out here, then it’s a major event. That means Dragovich’s ability to access it increases.”

“I’ll talk to Summer first.” He held up his hand as Falcon began to protest. “I’m not nearly as frightened of her as you are,” he assured his brother. “And I can see through those innocent acts of hers far easier than you can. She leads you around by your dick.”

Falcon arched a brow knowingly. “Jealous, brother?”

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