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You Are Mine (The Lycans 2)

Page 42

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Only with him.

“Sweet Jesus, female.” His voice was the sharp edge of a knife, the kind that pressed into your skin and threatened to cut you open and bare your soul.

I made another soft sound and leaned forward even more, so unbelievably drenched between my thighs that my panties were soaked, the material sticking to my folds, arousing me even further.

“Your very scent is driving me fucking crazy, Ainslee.”

I felt a powerful shiver race over me, his accent so sexy, the deep, dark quality of it like a silky caress across my body. But it wasn’t just his accent that turned me on. I knew it was also the Linking Connection between us at work as well.

We were born to be each other’s perfect other half, so his scent, the way he looked, sounded, the way he touched me, hell, the way he walked, was all to entice me, to arouse me. To please me. And it was the same for him regarding me.

We were each other’s own personal drug, an addiction that would only grow with each passing second.

“As much as I want to claim you and make you feel good,” he said on an almost purr that had my heart jackknifing in my chest, “I have to keep my control right now.” He still looked like he was losing it. “I need to ensure things are in order and taken care of for you first.”

I gripped the sheets beneath me, pulling at the material, breathing out slowly to try to get control of this wayward desire. I’d never felt anything like it before, and it confused me. It made me feel like there was a stranger in me, one that I welcomed with open arms, but a stranger nonetheless.

He was right. I’d let my physical need for him control me when I had priorities to deal with first. Ones like contacting my family and figuring out how to stop a Lycan war from fully breaking out.

I licked my lips and nodded. “You’re right,” I said out loud, and I could see his body start to relax slightly. I knew that if I’d pushed him, whispered my needs and wants, he wouldn’t have been able to deny me. He was fighting it right now, that instinct in him to please me above all else riding him hard. I could scent it coming from him.

“You’re probably hungry.”

At his words, my stomach cramped.

“And I’m sure you’d like to shower, put on something clean?”

I looked down at my body, and although the blanket covered the majority of me, I knew rolling around on the forest floor probably made me filthy.

“I need to call my family,” I said and looked back up at him. “They are probably worried sick about me.” His body went rigid again, and I quickly added, “They won’t take you from me.” His expression told me he didn’t believe me, and honestly... I didn’t believe myself. “They’ll also find this place eventually.”

He exhaled slowly and nodded. “They will. But we’ve bought some time to figure things out.” He came back toward me, but I noticed he wouldn’t touch me.

I wondered if it was because he didn’t trust himself fully, that maybe if he reached out and stroked his fingers along my skin he’d finally lose control and be unable to stop.

I shivered in anticipation as that very thought moved through me.

“Let’s tackle one obstacle at a time.” He gave me a smile, one I felt he was doing to be reassuring, or maybe he was trying to convey with facial expressions that everything would be okay… even if it wouldn’t be. “And let’s make sure my female is fed.” His gaze softened. “Let me take care of you, Ainslee.”

I felt my heart skip a beat and nodded. How was a woman supposed to say no to something like that?

Luca reached into his pocket and pulled out a cell phone. “It’s untraceable, but I have no doubt your family has means to even crack that.” He was a little reluctant to give me the phone, I could tell, his fear of losing me enough to make a male his size and with his strength falter slightly.

I reached out with a free hand, my fingers shaking slightly, because I felt a spike of adrenaline rush through my veins. Truth was, I didn’t want to break out of our little bubble. I didn’t want to face reality by calling my family, even if it was to let them know I was okay. It would further open the door of conflict.

But I placed my hand over his, stroking my fingers along the back of his in a gentle, reassuring manner. “Thank you for trusting me,” I said softly.

He let out a shuddering breath and swallowed, the thick muscles of his throat working from the act. “Ainslee, although the very threat of you being taken drives me toward the brink of full madness, I won’t ever deny you, and I’ll always trust you. Above all else.” He exhaled roughly, as if coming to the reality of the situation all over again. “You need to let your family know you’re okay, even if I want to keep you all to myself.”

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