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Just One Night (The Kingston Family 1)

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Swallowing hard, she took the shirt and tie from him and put them aside, planning to hang them up so they didn’t wrinkle even more. He’d need them to wear home in the morning.

Despite herself, she couldn’t help but stare at his naked chest. It had been years since they were kids swimming together in his family’s pool, and the man in front of her now was a far cry from the boy he’d been.

How could she look at him and not drool? “Do you want to wash up before you settle in for the night?” she asked in a husky voice.

She reached out a hand to help him to his feet, and without warning, he pulled her forward. She tumbled, twisting herself so she landed on top of his hard body.

“Linc, what are you doing?” She lifted herself up, intending to climb off him when a firm arm around her back locked her in place.

“I need you,” he said, his voice full of longing.

His words took her off guard. Heart pounding, she looked up, and his gaze, hazy with alcohol but no less compelling, met hers. Everything inside her twisted with need. Need for this man and everything he was.

“Kiss me, Jordan.”

A moan escaped her throat because she wanted desperately to press her lips to his. She stilled, her heart debating with her mind.

Just as she decided to make light of the moment, to treat it as a joke, he cupped the back of her head, and with a little pressure from his hand, her mouth met his. Sparks flew through her body, the warmth and feel of him utter perfection. She sighed, wanting to get closer, and in response, his tongue pushed past her lips and curled around hers.

Unable to stop herself, she slid her hands into his hair and deepened the kiss. His breath tasted malty from alcohol, but nothing mattered except the feel of him devouring her mouth. His other hand slipped beneath the back of her shirt, his large, warm palm covering her skin. Her nipples grew tight, and she rubbed herself against him, enjoying their closeness.

The sound of her phone ringing penetrated her consciousness, popping the desire-filled bubble she’d been in, and brought her out of her fantasy moment. Reality came crashing in, and the reality was, Linc would never cross this line sober. She shouldn’t have crossed it at all.

Ignoring the call, she pushed herself up, breaking their connection. With a groan, he met her gaze. “I’m not sorry,” he said.

But he would be in the morning. If he even remembered the kiss. She shook her head, knowing she would never forget.

She stepped to the other end of the sofa, picked up the blanket, and as she draped it over him, a light snore escaped his parted lips.

She gently tucked the knitted covering around him, and because he was sleeping, she leaned down and pressed her lips to his forehead, closing her eyes and savoring his warmth and masculine scent.

Then, with one last glance at the man on her couch, she picked up his clothes and headed to her room alone.

Chapter Two

Sunlight streamed through a window, waking Linc. With a groan, he rolled over and nearly fell off what he quickly realized was a couch. Opening his eyes slowly, he took in his surroundings. Jordan’s living room, he thought, and the events of last night came back to him in too vivid detail considering how shitty he felt after overindulging—talking to Xander about their newfound sister, drinking too much, and ending up here.

Not a surprise. Jordan would always take care of him, and she had, as helping him undress and covering him with a blanket so he could sleep had proved.

He was grateful to have her in his life.

Kiss me, Jordan. His words came back to him, floating through his brain. He closed his eyes and recalled gripping the back of her head, pulling her toward him, and kissing her.

He let out a groan. This was why he didn’t like to drink. Any loss of control unnerved him, and last night it’d led him to break his most meaningful vow. But the taste of her had been sheer heaven. And despite his drunken state, he remembered how right she’d felt on top of him, her feminine curves pressing into his harder body, and her sensual scent surrounding him.

He lowered his hand and pushed his palm against his aching cock. No way would he embarrass her this morning. Not when he had to apologize for his behavior last night. The last thing he wanted was to lose the woman he leaned on in so many ways.

He pushed himself to his feet and looked around for his shirt. Not finding it, he folded the blanket and set it on the couch before hitting the bathroom. He took care of business, washed up, rummaged through her cabinets, and even found a new toothbrush to use.

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