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Just One Night (The Kingston Family 1)

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She’d slept with Linc. Her boss. Her best friend. Her everything. She closed her eyes and tried to pull herself together, searching desperately for the best way to handle things between them now.

What could she say? Thanks for the best sex ever, no other man will ever compete with how you made me feel, but this can never happen again?

She winced.

The thought of never experiencing such a sense of overwhelming completeness hit her hard, but what choice did she have? Nothing fundamental between them had changed. He was Linc Kingston, real estate mogul and a man of immense wealth and privilege, and she was his assistant.

She was also his best friend and he was hers, and she didn’t want to lose their connection. He’d never had a long-term, serious relationship before. Not one he’d mentioned, anyway.

He typically steered clear of entanglements, and if he ever married, Jordan wouldn’t be the woman he chose. Her stomach cramped at the thought of their friendship changing because he found someone he loved, and she pushed aside the painful possibility. With all those thoughts circling around and around in her brain, she was making herself dizzy with anxiety.

Beside her, he removed the condom, wrapped it in a tissue he’d grabbed from the side of the bed, and placed it on the nightstand.

Way before she was ready to face him, he met her gaze.

“That was incredible,” she blurted out first and wished she could snatch the words back. Talk about awkward.

He reached out and caressed her cheek. “It sure as hell was.”

Relief washed over her at his words, and she leaned into the comforting feel of his touch.

“But you know it can’t happen again,” he said, his voice gruff.

She blinked at the unexpected words, swallowing the lump in her throat. Although she’d had the same sentiment going through her mind a few seconds before, hearing him say it crushed her anyway.

She drew in a deep breath and let it out before answering. “Don’t worry. I’m not the type to confuse sex with something more.”

The bed still smelled of them, and she couldn’t lie by his side and stare at him any longer. Turning, she slid off the mattress, bending to grab her robe from the floor.

After wrapping the heavy material around herself, she forced herself to look at him. “We’re good,” she assured him, hoping saying the words out loud would make them true.

“You sure?” he asked, concern in both his voice and his expression.

She nodded. He’d stretched out on the mattress, and his gorgeous face and muscled body had arousal rising once more.

Nope. Not going to happen.

Shower time, she thought, and walked away, closing herself in the bathroom and locking the door behind her.

* * *

Son of a bitch. What had he been thinking? Linc thought in disgust. The answer was clear. He hadn’t been. One look at Jordan, her defenses down from sleep, looking so beautiful, the robe gaping and revealing her gorgeous body, and all rational thought fled. Gone was the man who’d been able to keep their relationship strictly in the friend zone. In its place was a heady desire he hadn’t been able to fight.

He knew they were in agreement about where things stood. Their professional relationship and friendship were more important than sexual need. But he hadn’t anticipated how good she would feel when he entered her. How perfect her body would mold to his, clasping him in tight, wet heat, cushioning his dick like she was made just for him.

Worse, he hadn’t counted on the rush of emotion that had filled him, either. He wasn’t supposed to have those kinds of feelings for his best friend.

Linc’s views on life and love were complicated. They’d started with his parents, who, to hear his mother tell it, had begun their courtship with love before things had gone wrong. Next came an experience in college that had left Linc bitter and feeling used. And now, becoming aware of his father’s affairs and discovering a half-sister courtesy of his dad’s cheating with his secretary… Linc shook his head. He was wary of it all.

He’d learned not to believe in the word love. To keep to himself except for the occasional need for release or a date to a party. And above all, he counted on his friendship with Jordan. He didn’t want anything to mess with their relationship, especially sex. No matter how intense the act between them had been. He hoped he hadn’t hurt her feelings by saying they couldn’t sleep together again.

He’d have a hard enough time living with his pronouncement.

Chapter Four

Pretending yesterday hadn’t happened wasn’t easy. After Jordan’s escape, Linc had disappeared into his room for a shower of his own. They met up in the sitting area, both dressed and ready to go for dinner as he’d mentioned. They went downstairs to Mr. Chow, where they ate their meal in uncomfortable silence. Never before had she experienced awkwardness around Linc, and it hurt.

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