Just One Night (The Kingston Family 1) - Page 18

Before she left her room for dinner, she’d called housekeeping and asked for her sheets and bedding to be changed prior to her return. She had no desire to torture herself with Linc’s scent while she tried to sleep. As it was, sleep hadn’t come easily, memories of Linc inside her and their time together torturing her over and over.

She didn’t know what today had in store, but she dressed for the Florida heat, putting on a sundress and a pair of strappy sandals. Before she headed to face Linc, she glanced out at the beautiful water and took solace in the deep blue crashing waves. She wished she could dive into the water and swim home. At least she wouldn’t have to deal with the morning after full of tense energy. But she couldn’t. And she wasn’t a coward.

Drawing a deep breath, she walked into the other room, determined to start the day off on a positive note. Linc stood facing the ocean, taking in the same view she’d been enjoying. He wore a pair of fitted jeans and a black shirt with white piping on the sleeves.

“Good morning. Please tell me there’s coffee here already? I could really use some,” she said in a forced happy tone.

He turned to face her and treated her to the same strained smile. “There is, along with yogurt and muffins. Your favorite.” He gestured to the food on the table in the corner.

“Perfect.” She strode over to the coffeepot and poured herself a cup, adding milk and sugar.

“How did you sleep?” he asked, concern in his voice.

“Like a baby,” she lied, taking a sip. “You?”

He shrugged. “Just fine.”

She took another drink of her coffee and the tang was delicious. “Mmm.” Those first few sips were always satisfying, and she closed her eyes and moaned.

When she opened them again, Linc was staring, his hot gaze one she recognized from yesterday, when he hovered over her naked body, his erection grazing her sex. She swallowed another sigh that would sound much more erotic than the coffee-driven one.

“What are we doing today?” she asked instead, cup in hand.

“I’m hoping to hear from Austin Prescott.” He shoved his hands into his front pants pocket. “Maybe he’ll be decent and talk to Aurora quickly since I flew down here to meet her.”

But Austin didn’t call.

Jordan spent the day by the pool, Linc reluctantly joining her. He wasn’t the type who liked to remain idle, and he definitely didn’t appreciate being forced to wait when he wanted something. And he wanted to see his sister now.

They didn’t talk much during the day, and Jordan hoped as time passed normalcy would return. Their clothing didn’t help, she in a bikini, he in bathing trunks, his bare chest exposed.

His muscular body grew more tanned as the day went on. She couldn’t stop staring, nor did she want to. But she had to admit he did a damned good job of keeping his eyes off of her. And she hated it.

By the time the long day ended and they made their way upstairs to the suite, he was grumbling under his breath.

“Stay calm. Austin will call soon. I’m sure he needs to break the news to Aurora in the right way,” she said.

The elevator doors opened and they stepped into the hall. Only two doors were on this penthouse floor, and they approached their suite.

“Yeah, but you’d think the arrogant bastard would know I’m waiting. This isn’t some business deal where you play chicken and see who blinks first. This is people’s lives.” Linc placed the key card in front of the reader and moved it around. When it didn’t work, he tried again. “Son of a bitch!” His raised voice echoed in the hall.

She took her key from her pool bag and turned the correct side toward the reader, and it flashed green immediately. Without a word, he pushed the door open and held it to let her inside.

Instead of listening to him complain or watching him brood, Jordan headed straight for her room and took a shower, washing the sunscreen off her body and shampooing her hair. She deliberately let the conditioner sit for a while, taking her time. Finally she stepped out and dried off, rubbing moisturizer over her arms, chest, and legs.

Since she didn’t know their plans yet, she pulled her damp hair back with a headband, slipped on a tank dress, and headed to the sitting room to find Linc pacing the floor, already showered.

Hair damp and slicked back from his face, his tanned skin and the light scruff of beard he left made her heart jump. Stupid. He was her boss and her friend. She had to forget last night.

“Hey.” She walked over to him.

“Hi.” His eyes raked over her briefly before catching himself and focusing on her face.

Tags: Carly Phillips The Kingston Family Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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