The Inevitable - Page 10

But then, right after my sister asks me to join her on Saturday to meet Keegan’s parents, a text comes in from Kolton, making it clear where he stands.

Heard you’re joining us for lunch. If it were up to me, you’d be coming as my girlfriend and not as my brother’s baby momma’s sister, but I still look forward to spending the day with you nonetheless… Next time, though, you’ll be visiting as mine.

Me: I *think* that was romantic… in a creepy sort of way.

Kolton: Are you saying you miss my flirting?

Me: ……….

Kolton: I’ll take that as a yes.

So, he has been making it a point not to flirt with me.

I set my phone down, but then my curiosity gets the best of me.

Me: Why haven’t you been flirting?

Kolton: Wow, so you really do miss it, huh?

Me: That’s not what I asked.

My phone suddenly rings, and Kolton’s name flashes across the screen. “Hello?”

“You okay?”

“Um… yeah.”

“Just checking. It’s hard to tell through text. You seemed very distraught over me not flirting with you all week.”

“Hardly. I was just wondering what changed.”

“I was waiting for you.”

“For me?”

“To realize you miss my flirting.”

Motherfucker… Of course! He used reverse psychology… because he’s a freaking psychology major.

“I’m hanging up now.”

“No, wait,” he says through a laugh, but I don’t. After hanging up, I go one step further and turn my phone off. Let him psychoanalyze that!

It’s Saturday morning, and the five of us are piled into Keegan’s truck on our way to meet their parents. Blakely is droning on about how nervous she is to meet Keegan’s parents while he reassures her everything will be fine. I shouldn’t be nervous since I’m only coming along as moral support for my sister, but I can’t help the anxiety attacking my belly. I’m about to meet Kolton’s parents. I haven’t been around any parents in years. After ours died—and shortly after our grandma died—we were put into foster care. One woman was nice, but she was more like a roommate than a mom… From that moment forward, it was Blakely and me against the world.

“Mom will be so happy to have Zane there. She won’t care about anyone else,” Keegan promises her.

“And add to that Blakely and Sierra.” Kolton snorts. “She always says she wishes she’d had a daughter. Now she’s getting two-for-one.”

He looks over at me and winks, and my heart bottoms out in my stomach. Has Kolton told his parents about me? If he hasn’t, will I be disappointed? Will they think I’m good enough for their son?

My thoughts are still running rampant when we pull up to the most adorable gray and white house. It’s nothing like the over-the-top home Blakely and I grew up in… and I love it.

I unbuckle Zane from his booster seat and then climb out, taking it all in. In the front of the house there are flower beds containing beautiful multicolored flowers spread out across the front of a cute wraparound porch with cozy-looking rocking chairs. The entire scene in front of me screams homemade apple pies and family dinners, and it warms my icy heart.

Distracted by my thoughts, I don’t notice Kolton come up behind me until his lips graze the outer shell of my ear.

“You must be exhausted,” he murmurs.

“What?” I ask, snapping my gaze from the house to him. “Why would I be exhausted?”

Kolton smirks devilishly, and I know whatever he says next will be something flirty. “Because you were running through my mind all night.”

I can’t help the snort-laugh that bubbles out of me. He has got to be the cheesiest guy I know, and somehow it only adds to his charm.

He takes my hand in his and guides me into his house. When we enter the house, the sweetest woman comes rushing over to us. She makes a beeline straight for Blakely and envelops her in the warmest motherly hug.

“My son has told me so much about you. I’m so happy I get to finally meet you.” She pulls back slightly to assess Blakely. “You’re gorgeous.” She smiles sweetly, then glances over at me. “You both are.” Barely releasing Blakely, she says to me, “Come here,” and pulls me into their hug. My insides melt at her touch, not realizing how much I’ve craved this. Even when our parents were alive, our mother never hugged us like this.

“I hate what happened with you and Keegan,” she murmurs to Blakely. “Him losing your number and you girls having to take care of my grandson alone all these years.”

Tears prick my sister’s eyes, but I try to remain strong.

“It’s okay,” Blakely tells her.

“Well, I can promise you that you will never be alone again. You have all of us now. I’m so excited to be a grandma,” she gushes. “Anything you need, you just let me know.”

Tags: Nikki Ash Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024