Quit Bein' Ugly (The Southern Gentleman 3) - Page 3

I turned slightly and showed him my thigh, which had a bruise along the top right where my shorts rose. I even had to lift my shorts up a bit to show him the angry bruise.

“This is from hang cleans yesterday,” I said.

There was a curse that caused me to look over at Croft to see him narrowing his eyes in our direction.

I was just about to move away from Schultz when Karen touched his arm and brought his attention to her own scrawny-ass legs.

I could fucking bench press her.

The heifer.

I turned back to Schultz to see him bringing up his own shorts to show off his bruises from yesterday.

We were laughing by the time I moved them to the rowers.

All the while, I kept my eyes away from Karen and Croft.

Because if I didn’t, things were going to go south. Really fucking fast.

By the time the workout was over, I knew that I was wrong.

Things hadn’t been nearly as ‘bad’ as I’d thought before.

Now? They were truly bad.

Every other word out of Karen’s mouth was how hot or sexy he was, and Croft laughed it off to the point where I realized that he must not fucking care that I was there listening to it all.

In the end, after the workout was finished, I decided that the next workout that Flint taught, I was going to go lift in the fucking corner.

Fuck my date.

Fuck Croft.

And really fuck Karen.

Because I hated her, and I hoped that she strained her ass muscles today and couldn’t walk for the next couple of days.

And the bitch was right.

She didn’t sweat.

Though, I hadn’t seen her put much of an effort into the workout. She’d spent more time hanging on Croft and stroking his ego than she had working out.

Hell, she’d never even put up her hair.

Croft was so focused on Karen and helping her ‘stretch out’ after that ‘hard workout’ that he never even noticed me slipping out the side door and heading to my favorite place in the gym.

The kids’ room where all the little kids worked out. And where I worked out when the kids’ gym sessions weren’t taking place.

When I arrived into the room, it was to find Schultz standing there with his nieces.

“How’d you do?” Schultz asked his seven-year-old niece, Petra.

Petra held up her arm and flexed it, making Schultz gasp in feigned surprise. “Oh, wow! That’s one hell of a gun you got there! You better put it away before you get arrested.”

Schultz’s niece, Ashlie, bounded up to his side and showed him her muscles, too.

At almost six-years-old, she was the cutest little thing that I’d ever seen.

“Look at mine, Wuncle Will!”

Schultz’s first name was actually Wilhelm.

“I’m hungry. Where are we eating?” Peter asked as he launched himself at Schultz.

Schultz sighed. “Chick-fil-A, I guess. Since that’s all that Lie-Lie will eat.”

Chick-fil-A actually sounded pretty darn good right now.

I’d started to seriously lower my intake of food as I tried in vain to get rid of my stubborn belly fat. However, all that the dieting seemed to do was make me pissy enough that I ate like a horse by the time three days of eating well had passed.

Honestly, it was probably a good thing that I’d decided that Croft and I weren’t going to happen.

He was likely used to the way that Karen ate. I wasn’t a dainty eater. Even when I ate ‘healthy’ I still ate. I couldn’t survive on no food.

Karen probably ate a small, leafy green salad with vinaigrette dressing and said she was ‘full.’ The lying twat waffle.

“Thanks for everything, Carmichael. Have a good day!” Schultz called as he shuffled his kids out the door.

I waved and then walked to the back of the room to start loading everything up that I would need.

Five minutes later, I was well into my workout when my phone buzzed.

I ignored it for a whole two minutes before I had to stop and see who it was.

The sad thing was, it was my credit card company saying that there was a suspicious charge to my account, and was it approved.

Since it was for a cheesecake in New York and all.

Clicking ‘yes’ I went back to my workout.

And not freakin’ once did he come and look for me, text, or call.

The sad thing was, Croft didn’t even notice that I wasn’t around, and hadn’t actually come to the date at his house, until well past ten that evening.

Croft: Hey, are you still coming over?

Not on your life, asshole. Not on your life.

That thought rolled through my head as I shoved a massive waffle fry into my face.


So my neighbor with big titties is outside gardening topless today. I just wish his wife would do the same thing.

-Text between siblings


“Listen up, Sprinkle Tits.” I crossed my arms and glared at my brother. “This is my job. You can’t be coming in here, swinging your tiny dick around, acting like you’re the supreme being. In here, I’m the supreme being.”

Tags: Lani Lynn Vale The Southern Gentleman Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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