Embrace the Power (The Blood Rose 9)
Page 26
She couldn’t believe her new reality. She was a blood rose. Sweet Goddess, could this get more difficult?
The moment Stone had spoken the words, Rosamunde had known it was true. It explained so much, just as he’d said, point-by-point.
But being a blood rose complicated her situation about a hundred-fold. She’d always envisioned that she’d continue to serve beside Stone, as Aralynn, until Margetta was defeated. Then, she’d return to Ferrenden Peace for good and never see him again.
Worse, however, was that she couldn’t just walk away, otherwise she’d do it right now, without the smallest hesitation. He’d never accept her as Rosamunde.
But her powerful fae senses told her that the safety of the Nine Realms depended almost exclusively on Stone staying alive and leading the way to victory. He was the commander of the newly created Combined Forces. He’d spent the past several months, since Mastyr Ian had found his blood rose in Regan, training the troops in all the realms. He’d also worked on improving communications realm-to-realm and keeping the war against Margetta focused on one night facing her in battle.
Even if her fae senses hadn’t told her how critical Stone was to the war effort, his leadership over the past few months had made it obvious.
Right now, though, she needed time to think, to prepare herself for the trials of being with him and being a blood rose, yet restraining the cravings to go to bed with him again.
When she thought back at how their mating frequencies had been so thoroughly in tune with each other, she knew they’d come dangerously close to forging a bond that would have quickly become a nightmare. She bore too many secrets to ever be that close to Stone.
No. Her relationship with him had a beginning and it must have an end. She must help him stay alive until the defeat of the Ancient Fae, then she would break with him permanently.
Until then, she needed some kind of guidance on how to manage this latest fiasco.
When she didn’t hear from Davido, she decided to contact him directly. Opening her pathing frequency, she focused on him and let the vibration fly.
And how may I serve you this fine night, my lovely queen.
She heard the ever-present amusement in his voice and something inside her chest eased in quick stages. To be honest, I’m frightened out of my wits right now. But I don’t want to bother you if you need to be with Vojalie and Bernice right now. Kaden said you were called away because of your daughter.
Don’t be troubled. I spoke with Kaden and I was just about to reach out to you myself. I’m perfectly able to have a conversation with you.
Oh, good. She told him everything beginning with the attack at Charborne.
And so you actually created a violet wind more powerful than Margetta’s gold cyclone?
Yes, but it wasn’t me alone. It was the elf-lord power and I think Mastyr Stone might have had something to do with it as well.
Ah. I think you may be right.
Davido, I’m overwhelmed with all these new powers of mine and all because you showed me I could transform into Aralynn. And … there’s something else.
What, my child?
She had a sense he already knew, but it came pouring out of her perhaps as a result of his troll charisma. Davido truly could get blood from a stone.
She told him about Joseph and Kaden, the latter’s healing ability, and about the poison Margetta used. But Stone was desperate for my blood and when I fed him it turns out all his pain disappeared.
You mean
his stomach ailments.
Yes. They were all gone.
Then you must be a blood rose.
That’s what we both think. And when we were engaged, so to speak, our mating frequencies lit up like you wouldn’t believe. We could have bonded so easily.
She heard Davido sigh. Yet, he doesn’t know who you are.
Exactly. Or the other terrible secrets I keep, one of them belonging to you.
I know, he said quickly. And in due course, I promise I will relieve you of that particular burden.