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Reckless (Mason Family 3)

Page 81

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A door opens. “Nothing. I’m fine. Someone just ran into the side of my fucking car.” He groans. “I gotta go. I’m fine. Don’t panic.”

“Want me to come?”

“No.” He pauses. “Shit. I gotta go. It’s fine, Boone. I’ll be there when I can.”

With that, the fucker hangs up.

I stand, staring at my screen and wondering what to do. Should I go to him anyway? Should I tell Mom?

I look at her laughing so easily with Libby near the pool.

Definitely not telling Mom.

My phone buzzes. Oliver’s name is on the screen.

Oliver: It’s all fine. Really. Have fun at the party. I’m going to be here for a second so I’ll see you when I see you.

Me: You sure?

Oliver: Yes. Gotta go deal with this shit.

I’m sure he will. He’ll come out smelling like a rose. It’s Oliver, after all.

I shove my hands in my pockets and take in the sight before me. It’s hard to believe that this is my life.

A few months ago, I never would’ve thought this kind of life was even a possibility for me. It was something my brothers had. Other people had. I wasn’t even smart enough to know I really wanted it.

Maybe I needed it.

But then this woman drops like a gift from above who proved to be the missing link in my life. It’s as though the heavens sent her to me so the other things—the good things, the important things—could find me.

I’m so fucking lucky.

My gaze snaps to the side, and I see Jaxi walking toward me. Her hair is blowing in the breeze like an old music video. I’m grinning when she gets to me.

“What are you doing over here?” she asks, wrapping her arms around my neck.

“Oh, just thinking about how attractive you are.”

In so many ways.

She licks her lips. “So, I had a thought …”


“And I’ve decided my love language is physical touch. And maybe since everyone out here is busy and Libby winked at me and started playing with Rosie like she knows what I’m thinking …” Her hands slip over my shoulders and onto my chest. “Maybe we could run inside and—”

“Say no more.” I grin wickedly. “Let’s go inside and get naked. I’m going to bend you over the—”


My forehead falls to Jaxi’s.

“Again?” I ask. “How does she do that?”

Jaxi giggles. “At least she sleeps in her bed now.”

“Excellent point.” I kiss my fiancée on the lips before looking up. “What’s up, Rosie?”

“The puppy licked my watch!”

Jaxi makes a face at me. The light in her eyes, the happiness there, makes everything worth it.

“I got this,” she says, patting me on the stomach as she walks away. “I’m coming, Rosie.”

I lean against the fence.

The sun is shining. My family is gathered. There is a ton of food that, thankfully, Jaxi did not fix.

This is what life’s about.

I still don’t really understand my brothers’ love of spreadsheets. I don’t get off on numbers, and I don’t spend nearly as many hours at the office as they do.

But I get it. I get it now.

It’s not about the work or the reports or the success at the end of the day. It’s knowing that you showed up for your family. You contributed to the cause. You put your time and effort into something that will benefit the whole team. And I’m a part of that. I contribute to that. I have my part to play.

My brothers show up the same way to life—their individual lives, my life, each other’s lives. They’re all in. They’re as committed to my happiness as they are their own.

And that’s what life’s about.

So, yeah, I get it now.

I push off the fence to find Jaxi.

In the spirit of family, I should try to expand ours. And there’s no better time to start that than now.

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