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Blood Flame (Flame 1)

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For some reason, those exact words and in the man’s low timbre did something to her, made her wish her life was different.

Made her wish he was anything but a vampire.

She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been this close to a man, any man. Her life in Elegance Territory and as a TPS officer had left her hardened, displaced, and alone.

“I take it you haven’t been in the air before.”

“No.” The word came out on a squeak.

“Don’t look down. It’ll be easier that way.”

This had all been too much. She was flying for the first time and a Trib assignment had resulted in an explosion on Sentinel Bridge. But equally unsettling was the discovery that a witch she knew had taken a vampire for a lover.

All this, in less than an hour.

She was also cut up and had to spend a lot of her energy healing the wounds on her backside and legs.

As Connor continued to fly her north, she kept her gaze fixed on the distant line of lights, where Phoenix still thrived safely beyond a heavily patrolled border. It was only a couple of miles away, but might as well have been separated by an ocean.

“Where are you taking me?” She knew they were well inside Crescent Territory. She could also feel he’d begun his descent.

“My place. I’ve got a few cuts and bruises I need to get fixed up and my pants are shredded. How about you?”

“My butt hurts and I’m feeling the cold air where I shouldn’t.”

She felt him chuckle as he descended in front of a townhouse, landing on the front porch.

Once on solid ground, she found she had a hard time letting go. The muscles in her arms were stiff from holding on. She dragged them off his shoulders and shook them out.

She’d almost died back there.

And now she owed Connor. She stared at him, trying to form a sentence to offer her gratitude, but all she did was purse her lips. Nothing would come out.

Connor frowned at her. “You’re in shock. Let’s get you taken care of. I have a nice Cabernet Sauvignon, if you like wine.”

“Thanks.” She lifted a hand, staring at it. She was shaking bad. “Jesus.”

“It’ll pass.”

She looked up at him. “You’re not upset?”

“Oh, I need some wine, too. But I’ve been in a lot of over-the-top situations through the years. Border Patrol isn’t for sissies.”

“I’m sure it isn’t.”

Connor slid his arm around her waist as he guided her inside his home. The kitchen was opposite the slate tiled entrance. It was very spare-looking in stainless steel, dark wood cabinets and a black granite island. The dining area was next with a small glass table and four chairs. On the far wall was a large poster of a motorcycle she recognized.

“A Ducati,” she murmured. Her voice sounded dull to her own ears. Yep, shock.

“You know bikes?”

“Some. Especially the café racers. It’s either been beautifully restored or is in unbelievable condition.”

“I owned one before I went through the alter. When I had it shipped to Five Bridges, it was gone within a week. Somebody stole it, probably to

use the money for flame drugs of one kind or another.” He drew a deep breath. “I’ve acquired a couple of others since, a Honda and a Kawasaki. But one day, I hope to locate and restore a Ducati.” A faraway look entered his eye. She thought she understood, especially when he added, “That is, once we have some kind of order in Crescent and the other territories.”

He moved into the kitchen and pulled a bottle of wine from a tall rack housing at least twenty bottles.

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