Be with Me (Return to Haven 2) - Page 32

Melanie had turned in her paperwork and just sat back down when his cell vibrated in his pocket. Even though he was off duty, he couldn’t ignore calls or texts.

Tanner pulled out his phone, angling it away to check the caller. Disregarding the call, he slid the phone back in his pocket.

“You can get that,” she told him.

“It can wait.”

Melanie smoothed a hand down her little red sundress and crossed her legs. Even here in a waiting room where he knew her nerves were on high alert, she was all class and poised.

The damn thing vibrated again in his pocket. Tanner let out a sigh and pulled the phone back out. Different number, but still work related.

He shot off two quick texts stating that he would get with them in an hour or so, but if there was an emergency to let him know. He couldn’t take off completely, but there were definitely things that could wait. From here on out, Melanie and the baby had to come first.

“I don’t expect you to drop your life for me.”

Tanner clutched his phone and turned at Melanie. “You should expect exactly that. This baby is more important than any job . . . and so are you.”

Her eyes widened a fraction and he knew she hadn’t expected him to put this appointment, this child, or her, first in his life. One day she’d come to see that he wasn’t an enemy, that he wasn’t out to control her or take charge. Tanner actually admired the hell out of her for her strength and independence. She’d truly made a life for herself after coming out of the shadows of her ex.

He had no idea what she thought about him being the father, but he sure as hell wouldn’t use this child as a way to keep her in his clutches. Whatever battle she waged with herself, he wished like hell she wouldn’t drag him along for the ride. Time would be his greatest asset, because he could tell her over and over that he’d be there and wouldn’t let her down, but she would have to see for herself.

The waiting room of the doctor’s office wasn’t the time or the place to get into the whole host of topics they needed to cover.

Melanie turned to face him. “Tanner—”

“Melanie Ramsey,” the nurse called from the doorway.

Those bright, wide eyes held his for a second. Whatever she’d been about to say would have to wait.

* * *

Melanie stared at the curser on the screen.

Blink. Blink. Blink.

The damn thing mocked her. She’d had a brilliant blog post, but each time she’d started compiling the words, they fell flat. Maybe she needed more creamer in her coffee to perk her up.

This had never happened since she’d started her blog as a way to hold herself accountable in moving on. She’d not ventured into this as a way to bash her old life or drag her ex through the mud. He was too powerful and knew too many people who could make her life hell.

No, Melanie had turned over a brand-new page once she decided to leave Neville. She’d finally put herself first. Her eating habits changed, her attitude changed, her outlook on life changed. All because of one online article she’d read about loving yourself before you could ever begin to love anyone else. The moment she’d read that piece, she knew she wanted a change. But not only did she want a change, she also wanted to inspire others. She wanted other women to know they weren’t alone in their struggles, no matter what they may be.

Something in her posts and social media accounts resonated, and within the past two years she had absolutely exploded online. She had sponsored ads, and various businesses and entrepreneurs contacted her wanting a featured spot on her blog.

The little girl who’d grown up with nothing, then married into more money than she knew what to do with, had finally settled into a life she loved.

Right now, though, all she could think of was the doctor visit and how awkward she’d felt upon seeing Tanner in the parking lot. Then something had shifted and she found that she actually wanted him there. The fact that he’d taken off work for her shouldn’t surprise her. She knew he was a loyal friend, but this was totally different. This baby had changed their lives forever.

Melanie reached for her peanut butter and banana protein shake and took a drink. She still couldn’t get over how definite Tanner had sounded when he’d told her she should expect him to put his life aside. Like it was absolutely absurd for her to think otherwise.

She wasn’t foolish enough to believe he was there strictly for her. He wanted to know what was going on with his child. Tanner might find her attractive,

he might still want her, but that didn’t mean a relationship. That was the dead last thing she wanted anyway.

However, she wasn’t about to deny that when he’d been in that exam room and asked questions about the due date, the delivery, if there were classes they should take, sites they should explore, Melanie had melted. She never would’ve dreamed someone like Tanner, all big and buff and authoritative, would be so inquisitive.

He’d also asked more in-depth questions, things she never would’ve thought of, that made her wonder just how much research he’d done beforehand.

Maybe there were layers to him that she hadn’t fully uncovered because she’d found his actions, especially over the past couple days, more than attractive.

Tags: Jules Bennett Return to Haven Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024