Be with Me (Return to Haven 2) - Page 35

“I reserve the right to come home if I don’t like this surprise,” she told him.

Tanner laughed and slid his hand over hers before leading her from the room. She wasn’t so sure how she felt about that. The simple touch shouldn’t throw her off, but it did. They’d never held hands. They’d gone from awkward banter to sexual tension to sex in a foyer, but never once had they shared such a sweet moment.

Melanie decided she could let her guard down long enough to allow this. How else was she going to discover more about the father of her baby?

Chapter Eight

People in your life either inspire you or they drain you—pick them wisely.

—Mel’s Motivational Blog

Tanner didn’t know if this was the most absurd idea he’d had or if this was a stroke of brilliance. But, as he pulled into the airport and risked a glance at his passenger, he knew instantly he’d made an excellent decision. A breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding eased away some of his tension.

“Tell me we’re going for a flight.”

Smiling, he drove down the narrow gravel road toward the very last hangar where he and Cash kept their Cessna. “We are.”

Melanie let out a little squeal. “I’ve wanted to go up in one of these planes, but I hated asking Jax since he’s been so busy.”

“You could’ve asked me anytime.”

Tanner actually wished he’d thought to ask her months ago. He’d been attracted to her, but they’d rubbed each other wrong and he wasn’t so sure asking her would’ve been wise.

Then again, maybe a plane ride would’ve been the better route to take as opposed to grinding on the dance floor and taking her home for a quickie. Yeah, he definitely needed some help with his gentlemanly manners, because where Melanie was concerned, his hormones seemed to override everything else.

“So, where are we going?” she asked, unbuckling her belt as he pulled into the parking space.

“Where do you want to go? I still have to go over the flight plan. I didn’t choose a final destination because I wanted you to decide. We can go to lunch somewhere or we can just fly for a while and come back. It’s your call.”

He hadn’t thought too far ahead in regards to plans. Tanner just missed the skies, and had double-checked with Cash to make sure he wasn’t going to be using the plane today. But whenever possible, he wanted Melanie to have control. No matter how minor, no matter how silly it might seem, he wanted her to feel like she was in the driver’s seat.

“Oh, no. I’m just along for the ride.” She turned in her seat and flashed him a smile that cut straight to his gut. “I’m at your mercy.”

Tanner’s gaze dropped to her lips. Her pink tongue darted out and her eyes widened as if she realized the impact those words had in this enclosed space.

“I just meant—”

Tanner reached across and gripped her hand. “I know what you meant, Mel.”

“Then why are you looking at me like that?”

“Like what?” he asked.

She blinked. “Like you want to kiss me.”

“I’ve wanted to kiss you since you left my house that night. I can respect you enough to control myself, though.”

Melanie’s brows drew in. She closed her eyes and shook her head before focusing back on him. “I don’t understand you.”

“I’m a pretty simple guy.” With a past he wasn’t ready to share and a job he couldn’t. “You know I’m attracted to you. But for now, we’re going to get to know each other.”

“I’m not doing a relationship.”

Tanner lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “I’m not, either. At least not today.”

Melanie tipped her head and narrowed her eyes. “Tanner, I can’t. This baby has to be our focus. Not the attraction.”

Unable to help himself, Tanner closed the distance between them and nipped at her lips. “The attraction is only going to get stronger, so fighting it is a waste of energy.”

Tags: Jules Bennett Return to Haven Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024