Be with Me (Return to Haven 2) - Page 47

Hell, he had no idea what to get Melanie. Was she a chocolate lover? Did she get wrapped up in the pumpkin craze like so many did this time of year?

There were so many things he didn’t know about her. But she’d said she didn’t recall the last time she’d had a cupcake, so that helped him narrow his choices down.

“I’ll take two of the apple cupcakes.”

“Good choice.” Liam folded a small white box and carefully placed two cupcakes inside. Then he added an éclair. “On the house because I know you’ll love them.”

Tanner laughed as he pulled out his wallet and counted out some bills. “Is that how you get people coming back? You throw in a freebie?”

Liam set the box on the counter. “I’m a businessman. It’s how we work.”

“Business is going well, then?” Tanner asked. “I know the resort is always booked, but the bakery is everything you wanted?”

“It really is. I never knew this place would take off the way it did. When Chelsea passed and we found her notes . . . hell, I thought my brothers were crazy for wanting to do this.”

The three Monroe boys had lost their sister a few years back, but they’d all come together to fulfill her dream of this women’s resort and spa. Like everyone else in the town, Tanner had wondered how this would go over, but the guys had pulled it together, with the help of their now spouses, and Bella Vous was the biggest hit Haven had ever seen.

“How’s the airport renovations coming?” Liam asked. “I’ve heard rumors you guys are making it something grand.”

“We’re hoping to,” Tanner replied. “We’ve been working hard on it, but time will tell if we’re making a mistake or if it will pay off in the end.”

Liam smiled, and the scar running along his cheek creased. “Taking a risk is the only way to find out, but I have a feeling you guys are going to be just fine.”

“I sure as hell hope so. We’ve invested quite a bit into this project.” Tanner paid for the desserts and grabbed the box from the counter. “Tell Macy I said hi.”

Liam nodded. “Will do, buddy. Don’t be a stranger.”

“Oh, I’m sure I’ll be back soon.”

When Tanner got back into his truck, he checked his phone and couldn’t help the sliver of relief when he saw Melanie’s message that she’d meet him at his place in an hour. That gave him enough time to get home and shower, because he was a mess after working all morning at the airport.

He made his way home and left the box of tempting treats on the kitchen island while he cleaned up. By the time he got out of the shower and dressed in jeans and a tee, he knew he needed to give his superior a heads-up about tomorrow.

Tanner took a seat at his bar in the kitchen and sent a text explaining that he’d be unable to participate in the rescue tomorrow. He didn’t make excuses or apologize. He’d never taken time off from this project before, and he didn’t figure this would be a problem unless others had already bowed out.

He’d worry about that later if need be.

Tanner sent a coded text to the officer involved in the gym sting. Hopefully he hadn’t been lying when he’d told Cash they’d wrap this up this week. They were close, so close, but Tanner and his captain wanted the name of the top dealer. This was their best chance at getting it.

Setting his phone down, Tanner raked his hands down his face. He wasn’t used to bouncing between his work and family, but that’s exactly the territory he was venturing into.

When his doorbell rang, he left his phone and headed down the hallway toward the entryway. Darkness had settled in already, thanks to the time of year. Tanner flicked on the porch light and the light to the foyer. With a flick of the lock, he opened the door.

“Sorry about the darkness,” he stated. “I lost track of time.”

Melanie smoothed her hair behind her shoulders and shrugged. “No big deal.”

Tanner stepped back and gestured her inside. When she offered him a shaky smile, he reached for her arm before she could pass him by.

Her eyes darted to his, her face just a breath away.


“Tanner,” she muttered.

Without giving himself much time to think things through, he closed the distance between them and covered her mouth. Feathering his lips across hers, he waited until she relaxed before he slid his hand up her arm, over her shoulder, and cupped the back of her head.

How had he gone without tasting her for nearly two months? Melanie was sweeter than he’d remembered. Her body shifted against his as she reached up and threaded her fingers through his hair. Tanner nipped at her bottom lip before easing back. As much as he wanted to completely devour her, he also wanted to take things slow until she was comfortable with his touch.

Tags: Jules Bennett Return to Haven Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024