Be with Me (Return to Haven 2) - Page 68

Tanner raked a hand over his hair, messing it up even more and causing dark points to stand on end. “Go ahead, mock me.”

“Thanks, Tanner,” Livie called from the front of the garage. “I

appreciate you keeping her all day.”

“Nothing else I’d rather do on my regular day off.”

Melanie shoved her elbow in his side, earning her a grunt. “Bye, Piper. Glad I got to see you.”

Piper waved. “See ya, Aunt Mel.”

As they walked away, Melanie heard Livie asking about Aunt Mel, and Piper explaining. The last thing Livie had wanted when they’d come to Haven just less than a year ago was any form of attachment. She’d wanted to sell her father’s airport, take her money, and get back to Atlanta. Fate had had other plans—namely Jax, Piper, and love.

The easy way they all fell in love with each other had been so perfect. Melanie knew Livie really wanted the wedding to happen soon, but at the same time the airport was consuming each and every moment of their days.

“So, you stopped by to say good night, or were you thinking of something more?” Tanner asked.

Melanie smiled and tipped her head. “I have a bag in the car.”

“Is this an overnight bag or a long-term size bag?”

He reached forward and took both her hands in his. Melanie stared into those dark eyes and wondered how she could stop herself from falling for him.

“You look tired,” he told her. “That’s not a ploy to get you to stay, but are you feeling okay?”

“I am tired and I do plan on staying.” She leaned forward and slid her lips over his. “If the offer still stands.”

“The offer is always there.”

“Then for tonight, I’ll stay.”

He released her hands and wrapped his arms around her waist. Thankfully he didn’t mention that she kept staying one night at a time. To say she was moving in was just too much of a commitment. There was still some fear of letting that last shred of control go if she relinquished her independence.

“Go on into the house,” he murmured against her lips. “I’ll lock up out here and get your bag from the car.”

“I’ll get the bag, you lock up here.” She started to turn, but stopped and shifted her gaze back to the rocker. “What are you doing with that?”

Tanner shrugged one shoulder. “Just a project I’ve been meaning to work on.”

She hesitated, thinking there was more to the story. Part of her couldn’t help but wonder if this was for the baby, but she didn’t want to ruin any surprise if that was indeed the case.

Melanie grabbed her bag and purse from the car. As tired as she was, she contemplated telling Tanner about the call earlier from Neville. On one hand she felt Tanner deserved to know, but on the other, she wanted to shield him from her ex and his evils.

Tonight, she figured she’d just relax and enjoy Tanner. Any issues she had would be there tomorrow, and if things got to a point she felt she couldn’t handle them, then she’d fill him in.

* * *

Dueling cells went off at the same time on Tanner’s dresser. He rolled out of bed, leaving Melanie as she rolled over and placed her hand where he’d been.

If both their cells were vibrating, then most likely this wasn’t a work emergency.

He’d worked the past four days straight and Melanie had stayed over each night. And each time she’d gone home and come back with just enough for that night.

One day, he figured he’d come home and she’d have a full suitcase and half his closet full. He couldn’t wait.

He grabbed his cell and checked the message. A group text. Those were always evil and damn annoying.

Everyone meet at Bella Vous at 2. Dress nice.

Tags: Jules Bennett Return to Haven Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024