Be with Me (Return to Haven 2) - Page 77

“No comment. A statement will come shortly, like I said. We need you to stay back.”

Without another word, he headed back to the shield of cars and hunkered back down. “What did we learn?”

“Captain says the guy is slurring his words, most likely strung out or drunk.” The officer kept his attention on the building as he spoke. “We learned he recently lost his job at the factory over in Silas and he needs money for his family.”

Tanner couldn’t even imagine the desperation that guy felt, but there was a right way and a wrong way to go about fixing your life when you were thrown for a loop. Breaking the law was definitely not the right way.

Added to that, if he’d been drinking or using any substances, he was most certainly unstable and they needed to get the hostages out of there now.

“Captain asked for him to release one hostage in good faith, but the gunman hung up,” the officer went on. “We have learned his name is Marshall Malone. We’re trying to reach his wife now, and hopefully she can call in and talk him out.”

Another way to appeal to their compassionate side. All they had to do was get someone down here who knew him personally and could hopefully use the right words to end this situation.

Despite its being December, between Tanner’s uniform and his Kevlar vest, the afternoon sun was starting to take its toll. Sweat rolled down his face, but he never took his eyes off the bank. He wondered what the situation was inside, prayed that they’d all go home at the end of the day.

Dread curled inside him as he thought of Melanie. If she saw this on the news or through social media . . . damn it. She lived on social media, and there was no way to prevent her from seeing this robbery in progress. He couldn’t exactly take time to text and assure her he was fine.

The last thing he wanted was for her to be stressed, and this would no doubt terrify her.

Tanner had to remain focused, though. Those people inside were his top priority. He would have to worry about Melanie later, and this was the first time he truly hated putting his job ahead of his family.

This was also the first time he could truly admit that he was falling in love with her. He’d never wanted to put anyone ahead of his job before, but he’d give anything to reassure her right now. Anything to alleviate the fear she no doubt had, or would soon when she discovered what was happening.

As the crowd gathered along the perimeter of the roped-off area, he willed himself to remain in the moment and make it his mission to bring every single hostage out safely.

Then, once he was home safe himself, he’d tell Melanie how he truly felt.

* * *

Melanie couldn’t tear her eyes from the screen. The news report had a camera pointed right toward the bank in town, and she’d already spotted Tanner. He hadn’t moved in so long, but at least he was safe. For now.

She’d been in the middle of finishing up her scheduled blogs for next week when she’d scrolled through her phone to check on something from her social media page. That’s when she’d seen the images from random folks who stood in the crowd and had uploaded phone pics of the events.

Her stomach had dropped and everything else had been forgotten. The blog, her work, literally everything ceased to exist.

She sat right on the floor of Tanner’s living room with her legs crossed and her eyes glued to the television. Her heart raced like mad, but she tried to tell herself that as long as she could see his back on the screen, then he was fine.

But at some point this would all come to an end and she hoped he came home safe. Just the thought of something happening to him ripped her heart in two.

How had she ever compared him to Neville? When she had first met Tanner, she assumed he used his position on the force to be controlling and powerful. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. This man put his life on the line every single day, and she hadn’t realized until now just how valuable he was in her life.

Her cell rang, but she ignored it. She didn’t care who was calling, she needed to keep her eyes on this screen.

Melanie wasn’t sure how long she’d watched, but the next thing she knew the front door opened and closed.


Livie’s voice pulled her from the screen. “The living room.”

Moments later Livie and Jade took a seat on either side of her. Of course they’d be here. She hadn’t even thought to call them for help so she wouldn’t be alone. All her thoughts had been on Tanner.

“He’ll be fine,” Jade assured her. “This is his job.”

> Yeah, that’s the part that scared Melanie the most.

“Jax and Cash are heading down,” Livie said, taking Melanie’s hand in hers for support. “They’re staying back, but they wanted to be there to help crowd control.”

“Why is this taking so long?” Melanie muttered. “Can’t they just go in and get the guy?”

Tags: Jules Bennett Return to Haven Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024