Hot Summer Nights (Lucas Brothers) - Page 58

“She’s not mine,” I mutter, ignoring that flutter in my chest that happens with Mom’s words.

“She won’t be if you don’t get to moving. You can’t stand by and think it to death. You did that once.”


“Don’t you dare mom me. If you drag your feet on this, I’ll set your ass on fire. If you let her slip through your fingers again, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.”

“It’s too late.”

“Bull hockey.”

“I’m serious, Mom. There’s too much water under the bridge. Hell, have you forgotten the restraining order she had served on me six years ago? If you think she’s going to welcome me into her life, you’re fooling yourself.”

“I thought you had more gumption about you, son,” she mutters, making a noise that somehow makes me feel her disappointment in me. Mom is skilled at making sounds that can cut you up even more than her words. I’m pretty sure it’s an art form.


“If seeing how our family lives hasn’t gotten through to you…,” she adds, shaking her head.

“What are you talking about?” I mumble, getting annoyed, but trying to keep it out of my voice. I know Mom means well, but she just doesn’t understand that there’s nothing between Meadow and I to save at this point.

“Look at Gray, White, Petal, Black and now Maggie. Haven’t you seen how they’ve fought for love? Especially your sisters. Do you really think they would give up on love as easily as you are?”

“Mom, it’s different between me and Meadow. We have a history and it’s not good.”

“Gee, Blue, I guess you missed the part where Maggie took years to work things out with Bryant. Then, there was Petal and Luka. When they finally worked things out there were high speed chases and ambulances scattered about.”

“Damn it, Mom,” I snap and get slapped in the back of my head for my trouble.

“Don’t sass me, Blue Moon Lucas. I brought you into this world and I can make your life miserable until you’re out of it. You listen to me. We’ve never let bullshit gather at our feet when it’s the two of us and I’m not about to let it start now. Whatever is between you and Meddie is strong. You may have kept it from your brothers, but I saw the love you had for her when you were in school, and I alone saw your pain when it fell apart. Don’t be stupid. If you want her, get her.”

I close my eyes. I’m different than my brothers. I don’t run from my mom when it comes to this because she’s right. I let her see my pain when I lost Meadow. She knows me better than anyone—including my twin.

“What do you expect from me, Mom? Meadow made it clear years ago she didn’t want me anywhere near her or her son.”

“Then, change her mind.”

“How do you figure I do that?”

“You’re inventive, Blue. Figure it out. I’m tired of giving you a push. I’m too old for this shit. Besides, if you don’t get Meadow, Parker will.”

“Parker?” I growl, surprise barreling through me like a bullet.

Parker plays baseball and is damn good at it. He’s had an injury and is working on Green’s new team, but word is, that’s only temporary while he heals. He’s younger than I am, less fucking jaded and probably everything a woman like Meadow would want.


“He’s tired of being single. Seeing Mikey get his happy with Violet has him thinking,” she adds, talking about Parker’s little brother. “Parker wants a good woman. Meadow definitely fits that bill.”

“The fuck she does. Meadow deserves a man who loves her, not one who sees her as good enough because he can’t find someone else,” I bark.

“Perhaps, but I know Meddie is drowning and there’s not another man stepping up to help her. Parker’s a good boy. He’s got a shitty name, but he could be good for her.”

“He’d hurt her.”

“Maybe, maybe not. There’s one thing I know about Parker, though,” she says walking to the steps so she can go join the crowd.

“What’s that?” I mutter, almost afraid to ask.

“He’s already making plans to make his move. He’s not going to overthink it to death,” she answers and then walks away without bothering to look back at the destruction she’s caused.

I’m left alone, staring out the window, and watching Meadow laugh and talk to Parker.




Two Weeks Later

“Your vulva’s carpet was wet,” I laugh, unable to stop myself as Maggie tells me why Ida Sue delivered a box of razors, shaving cream, gift certificates to the new spa in town, and a bunch of hair removal products to the house this morning. That box had Maggie’s name on it. I got a bag with my name on it, too. She pushed them at me and ran off saying she had to order some flowers for Parker to give Meadow. She seemed really anxious. I didn’t even know Parker had an interest in Meadow, but I’m one hundred percent sure that Blue isn’t going to like that at all.

Tags: Jordan Marie Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024