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Blood & Bones: Rook (Blood Fury MC 7)

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For fuck’s sake, he wanted to make her submit to him.

He ground his teeth. That was all it was. He wanted to be the one to put her in her place.

He wanted it to be her on her knees tonight, swallowing his dick with her crystal blue eyes turned up toward him as she swallowed his hot load down her throat. He wanted strings of saliva clinging to her lips and her mascara to be smeared by her tears from how deep he fucked her face.

That was what he wanted.


He adjusted himself.

“Brother, the talk about Shirley women gettin’ you all worked up?” Cage asked, wearing a crooked grin.

Fuck, he’d gotten so caught up in that fantasy, he’d forgotten where he was for a moment

“Need a fuckin’ minute?” Judge chuckled. “If so, take it outta this room. We don’t wanna watch you jerkin’ your gherkin.”

“The talk of teenage Shirley girls shouldn’t be gettin’ anyone in this room worked up,” Trip growled.

Ozzy, the club secretary, raised both palms, but wore a shit-eating grin. “Not me. I like my meat more thoroughly cooked.”

“I like women who ain’t cross-eyed and don’t have an extra tit growin’ outta their back,” Cage announced.

“Damn, an extra tit would be kinda cool,” Deacon laughed.

“You can’t handle Reese’s two titties as it is,” Sig razzed him while cupping two invisible tits in front of his chest.

“Don’t think so?” Deacon asked with a grin. “She got no complaints.”

Trip slammed the gavel a couple of times on the table, getting everyone’s attention. “Jesus. Let’s get back to business.”

Thank fuck. He needed to forget Jet Bryson and get back to the business at hand. “So, yeah, van came up, eight girls got out. Seemed like a big deal for the clan. They were all gathered at the main clearing mixin’ and minglin’ like some kinda date night.”

“You said all young.” Trip ripped his baseball cap off his head and raked his fingers through his hair before slapping it back on.

“If any of them were eighteen, I’d be surprised,” Rook told the committee.

“You see the plate?” Trip asked. “See what state it was from?”

“No, not the way it was parked. But knowin’ them, it probably didn’t have one.”

“Even if it only came from Ohio, hard to travel that far without one,” Cage mentioned.

Yeah, Rook learned that about nineteen years ago. A hard lesson about always putting a plate on a car before driving it, even if it’s stolen. Especially if it’s stolen. Rook wondered if his brother said what he said for a reason. A reminder of what happened when Rook was fifteen.

“Don’t matter where the van fuckin’ came from,” Judge said.

“Maybe, maybe not,” Trip murmured.

“Already know pockets of Guardians of Freedom exist elsewhere. Only thing we don’t know is if those clans have bloodlines other than Shirley. They could be other inbred families. Same cult, different families,” Deacon said.

“Could be,” Trip agreed. “No men?”

Rook shook his head. “Just the driver. Bet he’s headin’ back to wherever he came from.”

“His hillbilly haven,” Sig muttered.

“So, women—or girls, more like it—all within breeding age, right?” Trip asked.

“Yep,” Rook answered with a single nod. “Probably all over fourteen and the men who we haven’t taken out yet were all over them, almost like speed dating. Seven men, eight new girls. One’s either gettin’ a bonus or they’re passin’ her on to one of the older teen boys.”

“Christ,” Judge barked. “Fuckin’ sick motherfuckers.” Jury, his American Bulldog, groaned with how hard Judge was rubbing her head. But the dog’s eyes were closed and she didn’t lift her head from Judge’s lap, so she must like it rough.

Yeah, he wanted to give it to Jet rough.


She needed to stay the fuck out of his head. The motherfucking bitch tased him and took his ass down. He should want to shoot her with a bullet not with his cum.

“Yo!” Trip yelled at him. “You with us? Or you back fantasizin’ about underage Shirley pussy?”

Rook shook himself mentally. “So, now what?”

“Need you and Easy to keep the Clan Plan goin’. Even if you don’t grab a Shirley, keep an eye out. Report back with anythin’ out of the ordinary. At least anythin’ out of the ordinary for a Shirley. Need to know if vans start showin’ up with men. Shirleys or not,” Judge said. He yanked at his long beard. “Can’t figure out why they’d bring in women before more men.”

Rook should tell the committee about Jet nosing around. About her finding him and Easy. While he should, that might get everyone’s panties in a bind. And Rook could handle one female on his own.

He and Easy would just need to be more careful from now on. Switch up the times they go up since both nights Jet caught them it was during the PD’s midnight shift. Being low man on the totem pole at the PD, she might always be stuck on midnights. He and Easy could go up early morning while it was still dark enough.

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