Blood & Bones: Rook (Blood Fury MC 7) - Page 72


No, whatever he was doing was dangerous. Unneeded.

And shocking.

Especially from a man who declared he hated her, who told her to fuck off often. Who was only here to get her out of his system.

Or so he said.

But what he was doing was wedging himself deeper under her skin.

She couldn’t allow that.

She couldn’t.

Because it would end badly for both of them.

He turned his eyes from the mirror, from where he’d been watching himself fuck her, to her. When their gazes locked, his nostrils flared, and his jaw became set.

He didn’t like whatever he was feeling. Not the sex part, but the rest.

She didn’t blame him. She didn’t like it, either.

Suddenly she was unexpectedly free, he was gone, and she had to catch herself so she wouldn’t tumble to the floor at his feet. But before she could, he bent over, drove his shoulder into her stomach and lifted her into the air.

She gasped as all her weight pressed hard into his shoulder and he only wobbled for a brief moment before digging his fingers into the backs of her thighs to secure her against him as he took long strides toward the back of the tiny apartment.

It had one bedroom, one bathroom and a small living space, so he didn’t have to ask where to go, he found it within seconds.

He kicked her bedroom door wider so they would fit through it and then she was physically tossed into the air.

When she landed with hardly a bounce onto the memory foam mattress, she had to sweep her hair out of her face to see him standing at the end of the bed, staring at her.

His eyes were dark as he took her in. On her back, naked on her bed.

Since he had flipped the switch by the door when he plowed through it, she could now do the same to him. Starting at the top of his head, she rolled her gaze all the way down to the point she could no longer see him because of the mattress blocking her view. The dark blond hair, super short at the sides, longer at the top. The darker beard, not scraggly but well-maintained. The deep brown eyes that looked troubled. The strong set jaw, the corded neck and broad shoulders. The tattoos, his trim waist and stomach, his narrow hips, the trimmed bush of hair surrounding his protruding cock, the sparse dark blond hair covering his thighs and calves.

Holy shit, just seeing him naked made her want to touch herself. She’d been with some pretty good-looking guys before but none of them, not one, had done to her what Rook could and did.

Again, this disturbed her. It had to be because he was the tempting “forbidden fruit.” Maybe she was the same for him. His brothers would never accept one of their own being involved, even if only sexually, with someone in law enforcement. They would consider that a threat to their club, their family and their way of life.

Her family, her fellow police officers and especially her chief and oldest cousin, would be shocked to know she currently had a Blood Fury member naked in her bedroom and was about to do more than just get an eyeful of him.

She was still on her first year of probation at MGPD and could be terminated for any valid reason. It wouldn’t take much for Max to consider her involvement with Rook as a threat to her job, the force, to the Bryson family and, cousin or not, send her packing.

So, yes, today needed to be the day that they both got whatever it was out of their system and never looked back.

Unless, of course, he agreed to work with her in regard to the Shirleys, then they could keep things “professional.” But right now, with both of them naked, what was happening was far, far, far from professional.

When her attention snapped back to the man standing at the end of the bed, she saw he was staring at the mirrors covering her double closet doors. The room might be small but the closet space wasn’t lacking and those large mirrors would reflect everything that was about to occur on her bed.

“What the fuck is with this place and mirrors?” he growled.

“Mirrors give the illusion that the place is bigger than it actually is. Just like it gives you the disillusion that your dick is bigger.”

His head twisted back to her. “You sayin’ I’m small?”

She pursed her lips and pretended to inspect the hard-length he palmed. “Umm. It’s… about average.”

“Fills you up.”

That it did. The length was perfect, the girth even better. But she wasn’t feeding into his arrogance. “With some room to spare.”

“Maybe that has to do more with you than me.”

Damn. She smothered her laugh at his witty comeback.

She liked men who had a sense of humor, had some common sense and street smarts, wasn’t a wimp and didn’t have the IQ of a rock. She wasn’t sure how many of those attributes Rook embraced but it wouldn’t matter if he had them all.

Tags: Jeanne St. James Blood Fury MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024