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Alpha Unhinged (The Dixon Brothers 4)

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A growl rumbles out of my throat as I watch the firefighting crew explode out of the truck, grabbing equipment as they hurry. What’s the point? It’s a total loss anyway. Let it all burn to the ground, so this poor lady will have less cleanup to deal with.

A tingling smell hits my nose and then my throat burns like I’ve just taken a shot of gasoline and gotten too close to the flames. It tears through me, sparking my bear up and turning him frantic. I can’t breathe.

I fall to my knees, grasping at my throat.

The wolves know an opportunity when they see one and take off running. I swipe at Tat’s ankles, trying to trip him up, but I graze his charred jeans and they manage to escape. They jump on their bikes and take off in a slew of sparks. Their tires melted from the heat of the fire and they’re practically rolling on the metal frames now.

I stand up to go after them when something stuns me to the core.

Not something. Someone.

She jumps out of the firetruck and looks up at the fire in awe. It must be her first day. She has that dumbstruck look in her beautiful hazel eyes. I must have the same look on my face as I stare at her.

She’s dressed in full firefighting gear, that bulky suit hiding the beautiful curves I know are hiding underneath. Her hair is hidden under the big yellow helmet, but what I can see of her, I’ve already fallen in love with.

She has a beautiful face that’s now twisted with determination as she grabs a hose from the truck and rushes over to the fire hydrant. Soft plump lips, a cute little button nose, warm hazel eyes. Fuck, I’m love.

And so is my bear. He hasn’t moved or made a sound since we first laid eyes on her. I can’t remember the last time the impatient fucker lasted this long without making my life hell.

That’s our mate.

That’s her.

That’s the woman we’ve thought of, dreamed of, fantasized of, every minute of every day for the last thirty-four years.

That’s the woman who’s going to change everything. She already has.

Just one look and everything has shifted. My world is all about her now.

I take a deep breath and walk over.

It’s time to show her just what that means.

Chapter Three


Five minutes earlier…

I can’t believe this is happening. My first fire. I can’t freaking wait.

I have a huge grin on my face as I look around at the other guys while we race down the road. They look bored. Bored! How could they possibly be bored!?

My adrenaline is jacked through the roof as the siren rings in my ears. This is what I’ve been training for. This is what I’ve been waiting for since I first saw the movie Backdraft when I was nine years old. A fire. A real fire that I get to put out! I’m freaking out!

Enzo spots my bouncing knee and then looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

“Just excited,” I say, unable to hide my enormous smile. “It’s my first fire.”

“Keep your head out there or it will be your last,” Quinton says from the passenger seat.

“Yes, Chief!” I yell a little too enthusiastically.

Grey looks at me with a scowl. I don’t think he appreciates my enthusiasm very much. I don’t think he appreciates anything very much. I haven’t seen the giant man smile once since I got assigned to this fire station.

Brees is driving. He honks the horn and swears as he swerves around a car that’s not getting out of the way fast enough.

I’ve been with these guys for ten days and this is the first fire we’ve gotten. I had a couple of false alarms and a broken fire hydrant (which left me soaked by the way), but nothing real until now.

It’s been awkward living with them. I’m the only female and I don’t think they’ve been around too many girls. I don’t think they know what to do with me.

Luckily, I’ve been around a lot of guys, so I know how to handle myself in a masculine arena. I had three brothers growing up, two older, one younger, and they always had friends over.

But these guys are different than my brothers. I don’t remember Matthew being so moody, or Alex roaring in his sleep, or Thomas walking into the house naked with shredded clothes in his hands. I don’t remember hair in the shower drain too thick to be human or cracked tiles and scratch marks on the walls.

I think these guys are shifters.

I’m pretty sure of it, but I’m too new to ask. What’s the policy on asking about that in the workplace? I’m assuming it’s like asking about religious affiliations or sexual preference. You don’t.

I sneak a peek at Grey as he stares out the window with a blank expression on his face. How can he not be a shifter? His arms are as thick as my thighs and my thighs are thick with muscle.

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