Dirty Secret - Page 72

Right. I was at a party. "You got me. We weren't studying. We were at a party."

"In Jersey?" Her nose scrunches.

Why would any New Yorker go to Jersey? It's a serious step down. But it explains why I'm being secretive. "Well, there were supposed to be a lot of hot Princeton guys there."

"Were there?"

"The entire soccer team."

This time, her nose scrunches for a different reason. An older sister oh god, please tell me you didn't gang bang the soccer team.

"Don't worry, I only fucked one soccer player."

Her eyes go wide.

"Kidding." Sorta. "I didn't screw any Princeton players. But I had a lot of fun talking and I lost track of time and it was too late to make the train."

"Why didn't you Uber?"

"My phone died."

"And hers?"

I shrug like I didn't think of that. "We stayed with her parents."

Unlike my possible party going, or even sleeping with strange men, this fills my sister's face with concern. "Be careful without your phone. If there's an emergency—"

"I was with a friend."

"Yeah, but…"

The server interrupts with our drinks. She's fast, and not at all concerned with offering us privacy. She's in and out and clearly listening for a few feet. Then she moves onto another table like we don't exist.

I take a long sip of my coffee. Let the sweet, sweet caffeine rouse my senses. But I'm already awake and alert from all the desire racing through my veins.

"I'm sorry. You're a grownup. It's your business." She breaks open her bag of tea and places it in the clean ceramic pot. "It's bad enough Ty is… has he said anything to you?"

My danger alarm flashes. "About what?"

"Nothing. Forget I said anything."

He's worried about Cam. About me and Cam. Did he notice us leaving at the party or was he too lost in Love Land?

"Seriously, forget it. I love Ty, but he's so overprotective sometimes."

Okay, perfect, we're moving away from the topic of me hypothetically fucking Cam. I need to stay away from it. To keep her in Love Land, or at least Lust Land. "I can't believe you guys asked the dancers to stay."

That distracts her. Mostly. "It was only one dance."

"But they were grinding on you?"


"Maybe? You're dropping a juicy detail like maybe and leaving it there?"

She smiles. "There's my sex-crazed kid sister."

"I'm not crazed." I'm so crazed. More crazed than ever. I need to mount Cam right now. Like right now. "I just find the subject matter interesting." I take another sip of my coffee. "Was it only one dance?"

"I think they call it a set. Three songs."


"And… after, we made use of those under the bed restraints you left for us. That was very thoughtful."

"My idea."

"Very sweet. A little weird, but sweet." She shakes her head you're ridiculous. "Is that what you want to hear?"

Kind of. "Did you tell Eve?"

"Tell her what?"

"The details?"

She looks at me funny. "Why would I?"

"You're friends. Friends talk."

"Sure, I talk to her. Sometimes, I talk to her about sex. But she's not nearly as nosy as you are."

Right. There's no reason to be jealous. And I'm not even jealous. I just… whatever. I have more important things on my mind.

Like drinking this latte.

And eating my delicious French toast.

And fucking Cam.

And asking this—

"You didn't hear my request," I say.

She nods shoot.

"Will you promise we'll always get brunch? Every Sunday, as long as we're close enough. And when we're not, we'll call or Skype or text. Every Sunday."

"Of course." She smiles and holds out her hand. "I promise."

I shake.

Then I sip my coffee and eat my syrupy French toast and fall into a perfect morning with my sister.

The sister whose wedding I'm definitely not ruining.

No matter how badly that hurts.

After my second latte, I sneak to the bathroom and check my texts from Cam.

He's already had a busy morning. A run and a shower, then breakfast (naked, he's sad I missed it), and now he's at the office.

Sienna: Is that your excuse for wearing a suit?

Cam: It's not my fault you weren't here when I was naked.

Sienna: How can I know you were naked? Is there photographic evidence?

Cam: There might be.

Oh my god. My thighs shudder. My breath catches.

Photos of Cam naked.

Yes. Please. Now.

Sienna: Will you send them?

Cam: If you earn them.

Sienna: How do I do that?

Cam: I haven't decided yet.


Sienna: I sent you a picture.

Cam: I didn't ask you to.

Right. I probably should have waited on that. I mean, he was totally daring me, and he didn't seem all that upset, but now that I know more about Cam and his limits—

I kind of crossed the line there.

Sienna: I'm sorry. I should have asked.

Cam: I doubt other men would mind.

Sienna: I don't care about other men.

Cam: Next time, warn me first. I don't want to accidentally show a colleague your tits.

Mmm. Yes.

Cam: I don't want anyone else to see you.

Tags: Crystal Kaswell Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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