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My Cruel Lover (Wicked Poison 3)

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I look inside—it’s clean, bare, but still nice.

“Did you put in the form to get your money reimbursed?” I ask, trying to keep thoughts of Paige from entering my mind.

She nods and steps back in the doorway. “I did. Thank you for that.”

“I’ll see you at work tomorrow.” Stepping away, I go straight to my car. On the way out of the neighborhood, I drive past Glenn’s house, pausing on the street out front. The lights are on, and it still looks the same. As if after all these years, time stood still right here in front of me. Unable to move forward. Incapable of advancing. Impossible to progress.

The porch light flicks on, and Glenn’s figure approaches in silhouette through the glass in the front door. He won’t recognize this car, so I push my foot on the accelerator to speed away. As I drive off, he opens the front door, and he looks directly at me inside the car. I know he can’t see me, my car has tinted windows, but that stare feels like he can see straight through me.

That night, I try to keep those demons at bay, but sometimes demons have a way of creeping up on you.

“We can sneak out the window,” Paige says as we sit on the edge of her bed.

Her father arrived home a few hours ago and walked me out, but then I snuck back in. Now Paige wants to sneak out with me.

“We can’t,” I reply, leaning up behind her and kissing her neck, which instantly sends shivers down her body.

“I can always say something to persuade you, so—” She likes to bribe me, and I must admit I do like her bribes.

“Let’s stay in,” I effectively interrupt her with a whisper, so her father won’t overhear. She leans back into my touch, her body molding against mine.

“Okay then. As long as I get to keep you, I’m in.” She turns and crawls up to me, pushing me back so she’s hovering above me.

“You have me. Now, tomorrow, and years from now,” I tell her.

A bold smile touches her lips. “Oh, this I know.”

It was the second to last night I saw her alive, and that night I run over and over in my mind.

Could I have said something?

Could I have done something differently?

The answer to those questions I shall never know.

But because of that, no other woman will ever compare.

Chapter 6


The rest of the week goes smoothly, smoother than I expected, at least. Beckham still snaps at me and tells me to get lost, but he hasn’t fired me this week yet, so that’s a plus. When Friday rolls around, I walk into his office with all the paperwork to be signed and put it on his desk.

One good thing, we acquired the Jackpot account, and that’s put Beckham in a better mood.

“Do you have plans for the weekend?”

I startle, realizing Beckham is talking to me. When I don’t answer, he raises an eyebrow, clearly becoming impatient.

“Are you talking to me?” I reply, confused.

“Yes. Does it look like I was talking to anyone else? Maybe an invisible friend of yours?” he snaps.

“I have no plans,” I tell him.

“My other sister, Rhianna, is having a barbecue. Rylee asked that I invite you.”

“The twin?” I ask him. They are identical, and one time I went up to the wrong twin.

“Yes, bring Oliver. Rhianna has a daughter your son’s age,” he says. Then his focus shifts onto the paperwork I just delivered, effectively dismissing me without further words. When I step out of the door, a police officer is standing at my desk.

“Can I help you?”

He glances past me to the door I just exited through. “Yes. I need to speak to Beckham.”

The door to Beckham’s office opens, and he’s standing there. I watch as his eyes go wide and a vein ticks in his neck as he stares at the man in front of me.

“I saw you the other day,” the policeman says, clearly looking at Beckham, who stands a little taller. “You didn’t come in?”

“I didn’t think I should.”

“You’re always welcome at my house, you know that.” Beckham runs his hand over his face as he looks down. “I found a few things in her room that I thought you might want.”

“You didn’t clean it out?” Beckham asks as I step away from the conversation. I can still hear everything even though I’m now seated at my desk, but I thought it best to make it appear like I am not listening in.

“No, she was the only good thing in my life. To throw anything out that involved her isn’t something I wish to do. Ever.”

They stand there in a silent stare off for a few moments.

“You look good, Beckham. I didn’t think you would follow in your father’s footsteps and take over his business. Paige always said you wanted to follow your sports.”

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