My Cruel Lover (Wicked Poison 3) - Page 19

Maybe it’s because she realized how much I idolized her, treasured the ground she walked on.

“I would prefer it if you touch somewhere else as well.” I almost forgot where we were.

“Someone could see us.”

“Isn’t that where all the fun is.” A sinister smile touched her lips.

“I think … I love you.”

I expect her to say it in return, but she always surprised me with her words.

“I know that, you fool. You just had to catch up.”

And I did. I caught up.

Until ...

Until I could no longer breathe.

Until she was taken.

My sweet Paige, who was anything but sweet.

I would give this all up for her to be back in my arms.

Chapter 10


I almost forgot what a cheap drunk I am. When they hand me my third cocktail, I have to ask for a glass of water. Turns out, everyone here can drink way more than me and still be sober.

“You came to mingle.”

I spin around to see who Adam is talking to. Beckham is shirtless and making his way toward me.

“I came to make sure none of you are a bad influence on my employee,” he jokes.

They all laugh.

When his dark eyes land on me, he glances at the cocktail in my hand and swims over. “How are you feeling?”

“I just ordered some water.”

“Oh, let her be,” James’s wife says, pulling on me.

Hannah, I think her name is. She’s nice. Friendly. And very drunk.

This is mostly a man’s trip, with only two other wives.

“We’re here to have fun, after all.” Hannah pushes a cocktail toward me, and I take it, holding it awkwardly as I don’t plan to drink it. Thankfully, Beckham takes it from my hands.

“Thank you,” I say in a hushed voice, hoping Hannah doesn’t hear me.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” he asks while standing in the water next to me.

I have to remember not to look down. His chest, from what I can see, is tanned and toned. Did I expect any less from him, though?

Why are all the amazing, good-looking men assholes?

Because that’s what he is.

A complete asshole.

“Yes, but I need some food,” I say, realizing how late it’s getting.

“Food will be sent to your villa.”

I smile at his words. Hopefully, I can eat and pass out and start a new day tomorrow. Maybe with fewer cocktails. I sip the water, and when I’m finished, I can feel his stare on me. So when I look up, it’s confirmed.

“Thank you.” I swim off after saying goodnight to everyone.

When I walk back into my villa, I call Oliver, and Rylee answers, “Tell me he isn’t being an ass,” are her first words.

“No, he isn’t. I swear.” She sighs in relief before I hear August. “Tell her to call back later, we’re building.”

“I heard,” I say, smiling. Oliver would be so happy right now. He loved helping August around the old house we stayed in. “Thanks again for all of this.”

“It’s no issue. We keep telling you this, yet you keep thanking us,” Rylee says.

“I know.” I chew on my bottom lip. “Anderson’s father came around before I left to meet Oliver. He offered to help as well.”

“And how did that make you feel?” Rylee is probably the only person I can truly speak to about Anderson with no judgment because she’s been there.

“I felt he was sincere, but I just don’t know.”

“From what I gather, I think he is. He helped you get full rights and even kept that awful woman at bay. Maybe he sees the error of his ways.”

“Maybe,” I say more to myself.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you, Shandy is arriving tomorrow.”

“That will be nice.”

“Yes, one of her clients is out there, and they had an extra villa booked. So, I gave it to her. My brother may not be aware yet.” She laughs.

“Right. So, that’s going to be fun.” I giggle.

“Oh, you have no idea. She loves to annoy him. It’s her favorite hobby.”

The next morning there’s a knock on my door, and when I open it, an extremely blonde, almost white-haired, pretty woman is standing there with a suitcase.

“Shandy.” I smile.

“My villa is being prepared. Can I come in?” I pull the door open for her, and she looks around.

“Well, shit! You got yourself one of the good villas. Though, from what I hear, all are amazing. But yours has pool access.” She steps out, and I hear her laugh. “And your neighbor is your boss.” She pauses, looks over her shoulder to me, winks, then turns back to who I am guessing is Beckham. “Good morning, Beckham.”

“What the fuck are you doing here?”

“I’ve come to play with you. Aren’t you excited?”

“No,” he answers curtly.

She flicks her hair over her shoulder and steps through until she’s on his balcony. I follow and see her reaching for his food.

“How come you get all the good stuff?”

Tags: T.L. Smith Wicked Poison Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024