My Cruel Lover (Wicked Poison 3) - Page 21

I laugh at her words.

She turns to face me. “He’s nice to you. He isn’t nice to any of his employees. That includes me, and I’m his friend.”

“Oh no, he is an asshole.” I am nodding like my head will drop off my shoulders. “I quit, but he persuaded me to stay,” I reveal, to which she raises a brow.

“Money,” Shandy says.

“And that if he steps out of line …” I say, finishing it there.

“Out of line? Don’t tell me you’ve seen his dick, too?” she jokes, but my cheeks go red at her words.

“Oh, my God, you have,” Hannah says, throwing her head back and laughing.

“Tell me you were not stupid enough to sleep with that man?” Shandy asks.

“Gosh, no. No way.”

“Phew, crisis averted. Now, should we go and get shitfaced? Beckham can entertain everyone. Let’s go to your villa. It’s so much nicer.”

This could be bad.

Very bad.

Chapter 11


I hear a splash and women’s laughter, and I get my answer as to where they are. Walking out to the balcony, I spot them, drinks in hand. Shandy notices my approach, but Jacinta continues to float, having no idea I’m standing here.

“Loverboy,” Shandy sings, and Jacinta falls under the water, her head coming up for air reasonably quickly.

“Did you all have a good day?” I ask, my eyes locking on to hazel ones. She pushes herself out of the water and sits on the edge of the wooden veranda that leads to her villa.

“The best. How was your day smooching the clients?” Jacinta replies.

“You should get to bed. We have an early day tomorrow.” My eyes stay on Jacinta, unmoving.

“We have no plans. Don’t be a downer,” Shandy says, pushing back into the water and floating easily. “Why aren’t you out getting laid? Isn’t that what you do?”

“I’m working,” I snap and look back to Jacinta. “We leave early tomorrow.”

“Early?” she asks, disappointment laced in her tone.

“Yes. Now sober up and pack your shit.”

“Gosh, you really need to get laid,” Shandy calls from the water.

Hannah, James’s wife, laughs as she pulls herself out and says her goodbyes, leaving Shandy there with Jacinta and me.

“I’m sure you have somewhere else you’d rather be than here?” I bite.

I like Shandy. Despite our constant bickering, she is a good friend.

She knows how to push every fucking one of my damn buttons, though.

And for some strange reason, I let her.

“Nah, you are my favorite person to be around.”

“What are you avoiding?” I ask. She goes under the water, and when I turn to face Jacinta, she offers me a sad smile. “Shandy ...” When her head comes back up, she locks her eyes on me. “She broke it off with me because I’m too opinionated. Can you believe that?” Shandy looks up to the sky and shakes her head. “Too fucking opinionated. Bitch, please, I’m simply too much woman for you. Your loss,” she shouts to the sky.

“Come on, Shandy, want to stay with me tonight?” Jacinta asks.

I look at her and raise an eyebrow. She shrugs and holds out her hand for Shandy to take.

When they’re both out of the water, Shandy turns to me. “I’m staying with you.” She steps up onto my balcony and walks straight into my villa. I watch her as she heads for the bathroom, and on the way, she starts stripping, with not a care in the world. When I turn back around to look at Jacinta, I find her watching me. Her eyes are glossy with the amount of alcohol she has consumed.

“We’re really going tomorrow?”

“Yes,” I answer, my cock twitching in my pants at the sight of this woman in front of me.

“Okay.” Her eyes lock on mine.

Quickly, I move until I’m standing in front of her. My hand touches under her chin, just skimming along her skin. “Why do you look so sad?” I ask, and she blinks. Those eyes on mine, and those lips. She has the most beautiful lips, full and luscious. They’re so fucking nice that I have to force myself not to lean forward and kiss them. Touch them.

Remember …

… she is my employee.

It’s not something we should be doing.

This is the reason we’re leaving early.

I need to get laid.

And here, I can’t do that.

“I’m not sad.” For some unknown reason, she steps forward. Her body almost coming into contact with mine. “I’ve had a great few days, so thank you for that.”

My head is screaming at me to move away.

But I have never listened to reason when I can sin instead because that’s so much more fun.

“Have you?” My voice is darker, huskier than before.

She purses her lips and bites one. “Have I what?”

“Have you really had a great few days? I can think of a way to make them even better.”

I expect her to push me away, to look away, but she does neither. She remains close and holds my gaze.

Tags: T.L. Smith Wicked Poison Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024