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Alpha's Moon (Shifter Ops 1)

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Because I’ve never cared so much about an op as I do this one.

That’s what Sadie does to me.

When it’s about danger, about eliminating enemies, I have it covered. Even when I lose control of my wolf, he’s still always on point. The job gets done, even if it’s bloodier than expected. But in this case, my wolf could hurt Sadie if I lost control, and he marked her. He could even kill her. Humans are fragile creatures. One slice of an artery, and she would—

Fuck, I can’t even think about it.

And then there’s the issue of the ex. I think I have myself under control, but if my wolf thought she was under threat, even mildly, the results could be deadly.

I clear my throat as Sadie flits about the room. “Okay if I use the shower?”

“Yes, of course. Go for it.” She flashes me the kind of smile that lights up a room, and my heart tumbles off the cliff into Sadieland.

I make myself move, getting into the bathroom and stripping off my clothes. I’ll feel better once I’ve rubbed one out thinking about my beautiful—

No, not mine.

She’s not my beautiful anything.

She’s a mission. A mission I will not fuck up.

I turn the water to completely cold and step under the icy spray. Anything to subdue this raging lust licking at my ears. It doesn’t make a dent in the inferno that’s my body. I bring my fingers—the ones still covered in her scent—to my nose and inhale deeply. My cock juts out and bobs, and I grip it firmly, jerking myself off remembering the incredible sound she made when I brought her to orgasm.

Sweet Sadie.

My beautiful human.

No, not—

Mine, my wolf rages.

And I let him. Just for the moment. Because the lights are already dancing behind my eyes, and my thighs are already starting to shake. I bottle up the roar rocketing from my throat and come all over the expensive tile walls.

And dammit, I only feel marginally relieved.

The need for Sadie Diaz is consuming me.

Chapter 9


I wear a dress and heels to the party. Once I’ve tamed my hair and put on my pearls, I look more presentable, but my cheeks still have that orgasm flush. Deke wears a fresh white t-shirt and a nice pair of black jeans. He shrugs a short-sleeved button down over the t-shirt, which he leaves untucked. I think this is his version of dressing up. With his huge size and tattoos, he still manages to look every bit as dangerous as he does in his leather. I’m not complaining. Deke looks like James Dean’s wilder, more dangerous brother, and it does things to me. My nipples are hard under my dress bodice, so I add a fancy cardigan for good measure.

He gets a few double takes when we walk into the party from the middle-aged members of Geoff and Jenn’s family. I ignore the raised eyebrows and head to the corner where the bride holds court.

“Sadie!” Jenn cries, throwing out her arms. The champagne glass in her hand tilts, but it’s more than half empty.

“You’re glowing,” her sister Brigit gasps. The rest of the half tipsy bridesmaid posse turns to look.

“So are you,” I say to Jenn and lean in to hug her. We pull away and air kiss. “You look so beautiful.”

“So do you!” Jenn squeals. She has a giant rock on her finger, blinding with diamonds. I ooh and ahh over the engagement ring for the appropriate amount of time. It cost more than her Jeep Wrangler.

“And who are you?” Laura, Jenn’s older cousin, asks, eyeing Deke. Laura’s not a bridesmaid, but from the admiring way she’s looking at Deke, she appreciates his broad shoulders as much as I do.

“Oh.” I step back and put my hand on Deke’s arm, claiming him. “Ladies, this is Deke. He’s my plus one for the weekend.” I rehearsed this in my head. He’s not a boyfriend, he’s not a friend, he’s not a partner. But “plus one” gets the message across.

“Hi, Deke,” the women chorus and exchange knowing looks.

Brigit elbows me, waggling her eyebrows approvingly.

Jenn clears her throat. “Champagne?”

I take a glass, and Deke waves it away.

“Congratulations,” he says gruffly to Jenn, and she flushes happily.

“Thank you. How did you meet Sadie?”

I open my mouth, feeling flustered. Before I blurt out something random, Deke puts a hand in the small of my back, supporting me.

“Met in Taos, at the plaza. Fate threw us together,” he answers. He looks around as if daring anyone to contradict him. “It was meant to be.”

The bridesmaids all swoon.

Something squeezes in my chest. The wish that it was all true and not a fabrication.

“That’s so wonderful.” Brigit winks at me. “Wow,” she mouths. I nod back and sip my champagne serenely while Deke stands behind me, my strong, silent back-up.

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