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Alpha's Vow (Shifter Ops 2)

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But I guess that’s what he wanted—Chad, that is, not Lance. He knew what he was getting into when he enlisted.

“Was,” Lance says, and the serious tone in his deep voice does things to my insides that rivals the pleasure from his touch. “We’re in private security now.”

Right. I knew that, too, and I’m not sure how I feel about it. Special forces have skills that translate to mercenary work in the private sector. Tough, dangerous work that pays real well. I’ve seen their fancy cars and bikes. They’re rolling in cheddah. Private contracts are lucrative, but dangerous as hell. And I have a feeling that what Lance and his buddies do may not be entirely legal.

Either way, Lance is a grade-A adrenaline junkie. He left the military, but couldn’t leave the life. Nothing wrong with that, but not a guy I could see myself with.

I point at my chest. His eyes track the movement like a tiger watches his prey. “Military brat. Both parents were active duty and deployed a lot.”

His expression softens. “Sorry?”

I laugh. “Yes. Thank you. I’m definitely scarred from it.”

He works my heel, pinching all around the circumference, then stroking up my Achilles. My nipples stiffen despite the hot water. I make a mental note not to lift my shoulders above the waterline to let him see his effect on me.

“The moving around, or the deployments? Which branch?”

He succeeds in disarming me a little more every minute I remain here with him. His question shows he gets it, and the way he watches me for my answer makes it seem like he’s really interested.

He’s interested in getting laid, my snarky side reminds me.

“Both. Both my parents were Air Force. We moved a lot, and if my parents were deployed at the same time, we stayed with my grandparents. Different school almost every year.”

Lance’s gaze is sympathetic.

“But no, I don’t have a problem with the military culture, per se.”

He quirks a brow and his hand strokes sensuously up the calf of my other leg until it catches the heel and he changes which foot he’s massaging. My pussy clenches. This guy has all the moves. He starts to stroke my other foot, and I stifle a groan of pleasure.

“You live in Taos. Isn’t the culture here the polar opposite?”

I laugh. “Good point. Why did you guys choose here?”

“I asked you first.”

I swear to God, my nipples hum with pleasure. This man has every nerve ending in my body tingling for him. “Okay, you’re right. I picked Taos because I wanted the opposite of what I had growing up. I wanted a place to put down roots and stay forever. And I love Taos. It’s beautiful, and I like the liberal vibe here. But I’m not a hippie. I’m not a fly-by-night just passing through until Spirit sends me somewhere else.”

“No.” His gaze is warm. “You seem pretty grounded.”

Compliments. Another technique in the playboy manual. Lance is smoother than most guys, I’ll give him that. I need to make my escape before I have no defenses left. Actually, I need to leave, anyway, if I’m going to get to work on time. I already stayed much longer than I planned.

“Yes, well, as much as I’m loving this, I need to get out. I have to be at work by eight.”

Lance drops my foot and launches himself to his feet, dripping water. He turns to angle his hips away from me. Does he still have a hard-on?

“Right.” He’s already climbing out of the pool, giving me that epic view of his smooth ass. Water streams in rivulets between the powerful muscles of his quads, shoulders, and back.

I can’t speak for a moment. It’s like viewing fine art, a marble sculpture of a Greek god. There are no words.

“Give me a head start, and I’ll leave you in private to get out and dressed.”

Such a gentleman. Anyone less suave would hang around and try to sneak a few peeks. Offer to walk with me up the canyon.

His cheek curves as he tosses over his shoulder, “Happy birthday, Charlie. I hope to see you again soon.”

He disappears around behind the ruins of the old bathhouse, away from the trail that leads out of the canyon. And then, I could swear it sounds like he’s running.

I climb out of the pool, curiosity winning out over any fears I have of flashing him, but he’s disappeared. I scan the trail up the side of the canyon.

No sign of him.

What… the heck?

Where did he go? And why was he in such a hurry? It doesn’t make sense, but I don’t have time to worry about it. If I don’t throw on my clothes and hoof it out of here, I’ll be late for work.


Rafe would kill me if he knew about my cock-up.

And I don’t mean the boner I sprouted for the stunning human.

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